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Ísafjörður Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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10 Years of Experience in Pre/Post Production, Audio Engineering and Keyboards. Well versed in many genres. Proven track record in fostering relationships and conferring with producers, performers, and others in order to determine and achieve the desired sound for musical recordings.Other experience includes Artist Development and Road/Tour Mgmt.
Professional audio engineer, songwriter - music arranger. 15+ years We don't say much. We will work.
Session bassist with over 30 year professional playing experience specialising in playing what's right for your songs with tone and feel. Classic and contemporary. Electric and upright bass. Old skool roots, modern Pop, soul, classic rock, blues and Pop etc.
Singer, songwriter and vocal producer! Let's make some music!
I specialize in affordable custom mastering with emphasis on clarity and maintaining mix integrity. I have a tendency towards open, exciting sounding mixes that grab your attention with dynamic automation, and will not over compress, and will seek to enhance the best qualities of a mix.
Hello, I work in the field of mix and master. I am an arranger. I am a classical guitarist. I compose music.
hey! i write my own songs and help making production for other artists. i do all this stuff for 5+ years :) primary genres: Hip-Hop, Pop, Alt Rock. you can call me eugene, that would be easier for me :)
Recent Successes
"As usual, outstanding level of professionalism and talent. Don't where we'd be without Austin. Thanks again!"
"Marc deserves 5 stars every time I work with him! He's friendly, professional, easy to work with and fun! His work is next level!!! "
"I am happy to have another chance to leave Nick another positive review. On this session Nick so perfectly recorded a mandolin part for a a track that needed something special and dreamy. The playing, part and record..."
"Marcello nails it again! Amazing mix! "
"Great pro of mastering! Fast and easy communication. He did a great job with my song! "
"Another great experience with TRUTH. We've done numerous tracks and different genres and she brings fire to all of them. You will be very, very pleased if you get the opportunity to collaborate with her. "
"Kerry is an incredible musician. She was very sensitive to the track I sent her, embellishing it with great taste and musicality without overplaying. She was also a pleasure to deal with. Thanks so much Kerry!"
"Hamilton is such a gifted musician. Been great getting to know him as we've worked on more projects together. He's become my go-to steel guy and a huge part of my production business here in Nashville. Go to him if yo..."