Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Interzona
I am a music producer, recording, mixing and mastering engineer. I love working with artists and helping them refine their musical ideas. If you are looking for a committed, creative and passionate music producer for your next project, don't hesitate to contact me! I'm excited to work with you and help you take your music to the next level."
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Music producer, synth player and mixing engineer.
Been making beats since Emagic Creator/Notator days!!
Come to me, I'll will do the job at a low cost ^_^
The team behind rising r&b/pop act Rubber offers their musical expertise to you.
Producer, songwriter and mixing engineer with over 5M streams! If you are looking for professional, polished productions & mixes you are in the right place!
"Great music deserves a killer mix—don’t let your masterpiece sound like it’s coming from a can! I’m Juan Gabriel Betancourt, a producer and mixing engineer with 7+ years of experience, including Dolby Atmos. Let’s turn your tracks into perfection before your fans start asking, 'When's the drop?' Ready when you are—let’s make it happen!"
Recent Successes
"If music is therapy, this guy has helped me cope through the instability of the Trump presidency. There's a reason I have left him multiple reviews and every piece of work he's done has heart in it. As an amateur who ..."
"THE SOUNDBETTER GOAT !!! <3 shango rocks!!"
"Robert is wonderful to work with! He knows exactly what he is doing, and he really helped my song come to life. Truly a professional, and an absolute pleasure."
"This is now my second song that i have let Spencer master, and i honestly cant say i could be more pleased, His work is professional, reliable and affordable! i would reccomend him to everyone and i will definately ..."
"5/5. He went out of his way to help make my track be the best it could be and was patient with my lay working knowledge base of the process. The tracks themselves sound rich and exactly how I meant for them to sound a..."
"Great quality, very professional, and quick turn-around; will definitely use again."
"Always a pleasure working with DR. Pure talent on every level. Technical wizardry combined with a unique ability to capture the voice of the music and create a powerful, nuanced and radio-ready track. I am fortunate t..."
"In like 2 days I had amazing soaring violins for my song! Amazing! And the files are perfect I can just drop them right in. Perfect! Plus they guided me through the arrangement too and had pointers. THANKS!"