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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with INSANE INDUSTRY RECORDINGS
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Singer and songwriter. Experienced vocalist and musician who has experience spanning from singing in rock and soul bands, to operatic training, to belting it out in musicals. I have sung a wide variety of styles in a wide variety of settings.
Hi! I’m Brian and I produce, mix, and master music with a focus on building relationships with unique and talented musicians. I approach every project with the mindset of understanding the artist's intent. I listen for underlying musical themes, ask questions, reference other music, and finally draw the best sonic qualities out of each song.
I've been mixing and mastering music in Nashville for 5 years both live and studio. I have the toys, knowledge, and experience to help your vision of your music come to life. My mixing is not cookie cutter. I work with artists on a personal level to ensure the music that is produced is personal, unique, and a reflection of the artist themselves.
I'm in the business of music production for the past ten years. I'm in my 2nd year of studying Audio Engineering, and my goal is to be a full-time producer. I'm producing mainly Pop, Edm, and sometimes hip hop.
Have an idea of a song you want but can't think of a powerful riff? I can add some pizazz to your song and give you something that'll stand out and be memorable.
Professional vocalist/songwriter. Pop, House and RnB are my speciality. I've worked with Atlantic and Warner Records and collaborated with artists such as Usher, Meghan Trainor and DJ Khaled. I've opened for Jeremih, Becky G and Lil Wayne. I'm new to Soundbetter so giving amazing rates right now! Take advantage while you can!!
Clean! Warm! Loud! Skilled in Hip Hop, Trap and Urban sound.
Hi I am logan, an English male producer, session player of the keyboard, songwriter, vocalist. I specialise in hip hop, pop and calm and upbeat music. I don't cost a lot for my services. I promise the best work I can do 100 percent of the time. I will incorporate your ideas and veiws and give honest feedback. Free until paypal Is sorted
Recent Successes
"The coolest thing about working with Austin is that he has the ability to send you your track and make it so lit to the point where you are kind of grinning about the level he's taken it to. Thank you Austin."
"Adam is my go to guy for mastering. He never failed me on any project. A+++"
"I had a great experience with Ron and his engineer Matt. Personable, extremely talented and experienced. If you're looking to inject some vintage mojo into your mix, Ron is your guy. My song "Seeing Red" by my group F..."
"Very efficient and professional. It was a seamless process with a wonderful result. Thanks Chris!"
"This isn't the first time I've worked with Jared, and am really impressed with his creativity and ability. He's fast, efficient, and thorough, while willing to work together to have the result be exactly what you want..."
"Brandon is a top singer and songwriter. He is very polite and eager to implement any suggestions you give him. He delivers top processed vocals in avery short time. And his voice and feel is just bombastic. It will no..."
"James is a really nice person to work with. We shared thoughts and ideas and this fulfilled my wishes I had for the track with a good result. I can give my warmest recommendation for James."
"There are many hard decisions in life; whether or not to work with Andres is not one of them. It's a pleasure, every time."