Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with IMTA 2015
Meet Enid Lopez, a dynamic recording and performing artist known for her warm, soulful voice, ideal for blues and jazz. Enid also provides session singing and professional vocal tuning. Her impressive portfolio includes appearances in commercials like KPRC 2 News and Muzquiz Income Tax, as well as a standout performance at IMTA 2015.
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Music Producer - Publisher - Group of Labels
Martin Roženek is a mixer, record producer and head of GM Recording studio, which is situated at Czech - Slovak - Polish border in central europe. He worked with a wide range of bands and interprets, mostly from these countries, for last 20 years.
Michal Ditrich is working as sound engineer, musician, teacher and producer .
Hi I would like to take a little bit of your time to present myself. I’m Mario Deschenes, the only one member of OneSelf, a melodic Rock band, distributed by Symphonic Distribution, available on I tunes . Musician , producer , composer , and also writer. Member of SOCAN, SODRAC, SOPROQ and ARTISTI. I hold 100 % of the copyrights.
The Exclusives (formerly Move Sumthin Productions) are an American/Canadian R&B/pop/hip hop songwriting and production team from Miami, Florida, consisting of Sean "Pen" McMillion and Ralph "Vintage" Jeanty. The now Atlanta-Based team's first notable success came from co-writing the platinum-selling single "I Luv This Shit" by August Alsina.
Full-stack producer. American production style (vs. brit sound). Multi-instrumentalist, Producer, Editor & Mixing and Mastering Engineer. Specialize in producing and arranging songs completely from scratch QUICKLY.
MMLAP Certified Mixing and Mastering Engineer. I have been producing music since 2020, and mixing and mastering since 2021. In 2024, I passed the rigorous three part exam process through MMLAP (Mix and Master Like A Pro). Since then, I have focused on building a portfolio that demonstrates the knowledge and skills I have obtain over the years.
Recent Successes
"I have been working with Marco on all my recent projects, He is easy to work with and gets everything done on time. Will continue to use his services for as long as he offers them. "
"Don't know where to begin. She blessed my track with her outstanding voice! Was very patient with me during the whole process. I've been known to put folks through the ringer while creating, but she worked with what I..."
"As I said Trust worthy!! If you haven't seen my 1st review!! She came through with an amazing idea very quickly and swiftly, laid it out with such good feeling, I'm amazed thank you I'm so glad we worked on this toget..."
"Eddys mix was amazing, I absolutely love it! Will definitely be using Eddy again. Thank you :)"
"Phenomenal work as always. I've worked with Daniel almost 20 times now. Every mix he has done exceeded my expectations, and I'm already looking forward to the next project."
"Love the work done on these tunes. Great communication.I will use his services again in the future."
"Nina Karle is so good I'm going to have a baby with her so that I can hear her angelic voice sing every day lol! She is the #1 CHAMPION SOUND! @ExcelMixMaster #WeOutside!!"
"Alex is a wizard. His mixes elevate my tracks to a new level. I’m very grateful to be working with him. "