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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ill Bill
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Hi, I’m Wilson, I'm from Colombia but i live in Indonesia, I’m a music producer, Songwriter, Singer and keyboardist. Recently, i produced an album here in Indonesia with S.O.L band that is about to get distributed all over Indonesia by catz records. Please check my youtube channel or my web page, my work will speaks for me.
Drummer, vocalist, producer, & creative for New England based country singer/songwriter Samantha Rae (SamanthaRae.com). Founding partner and manager of Country Women Cancer Fund
Ambient/ Downtempo Music Producer
Session Vocalist, Rock, Pop & Singer-Songwriter Specialist, with many years of experience and featured in a number of releases and television commercials.
Current student at Full Sail University for Audio Production. I have been mixing and mastering for three years!
I will professionally mix and master your music to an industry ready standard.
Need a track with more punch? Higher energy? Stronger presence? I'm your guy 😎
Working on music since 2016 to fill your needs regardless, guitar, vocals, composition or mixing
Recent Successes
"Second time cooperation, I just can't leave him, every details that he made are perfect and beautiful and genius. You won't miss the real artist like him. B4Lasers is the best !"
"Adam was amazing. He was extremely responsive and so receptive to feedback. He really works with you to make sure you are happy with the final product. I will definitely be using him again in the future! "
"This Mastering Engineer is fast, friendly, and great at what he does. Elliot mastered my very first song ever, "No Games" and it came out so great! I liked working with him a lot, when I asked him to change a few thin..."
"One of the best person I have worked with. He's really skilled and communication is key to me and he's easy to communicate with too."
"Lu was professional, communicated well and completed the project several days ahead of schedule. I anticipate working with him again in the future."
"Ashley was great! I had a project which I felt was missing something and Ashley was able to deliver smooth-sounding back up vocals that made my project sound much fuller"
"This third project with Skam has been carried out to perfection thanks to his rhythmic flow and his singular voice. Thanks Skam!"
"Another excellent contribution from Larry, thank you!!"
"Gideon is a great Tuba player. The recording went very well. I would definitely recommend him. Hope to work again with Gideon soon."
"He is my best , he made my track sound amazing , Thank u so much , looking forward to work him fo next time"