Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ildiko
Mix and Mastering French audio engineer nearby Paris
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I have been producing and mastering my own music for over 5 years. I am at a point to where I'd like to expand my horizons mastering music for people while still doing what I love.
BeatHit is a music studio located in Biarritz (South of France) owned by MoonVia & Charlie Gold. Already composing for several major artists and brands, we deliver a unique and authentic sound.
Producing Creative mixing, stem mastering, songwriting, lyrics (hungarian)
12 Years mixing and producing different music genres like Rock, Alternative and Indie music. I Also teach music production and audio technologies in some institutions and composed music for some indie movies. I have my own Professional Studio in Bogotá, Colombia where i mixed and produced about 30 local and international artists in the last 2 years
I'm a producer / audio-engineer that works from the artists vision. I want to bring out the absolute best from whatever I get and I'm not afraid to work for it. Mixing music is my specialty because I'm a great listener and can grasp what the artist is trying to tell.
We are a team of 3 producers for ghostproductions, mix & master, DJ Intros and Samples
Award-winning Pianist and producer.
We turn your lyrics into shooting stars!!
Recent Successes
"Always delivers the best. Professional virtuoso. "
"Guy was more than the perfect person for my project. His dedication to perfection, sound design, and quality truly highlights his remarkable talents as an audio engineer. To anyone looking to take your work to the nex..."
"Theo is awesome to work with. Great voice and very kind as well. Gave me 3 amazing takes with plenty to work with as well as some harmony to add some depth to it. Definitely would work with again!"
"Another KILLER PRODUCTION by Alex! Love his work :)"
"I've worked with Onur on 3 projects so far and all the results were outstanding. he is a great player and his recordings are high quality. i'm looking forward to working with him"
"It was a real pleasure to work with Jolie. We appreciate the delivery in Verse, Pre, Chorus, Stacks & Ad Libs and also sending in the MACOSX version. Our requirements were accurately understood. We look forward to fur..."
"First of all, Isaac has the best vibe a creative person can ask for. He was interested in getting it right and that he did. Really the first take was magic. Just what the song needed. He's an absolute pro and an amazi..."
"Professional, personable, passionate, highly skilled producer who goes above and beyond. A pleasure to work with and looking forward to working well into the future with Stephen on our project. "
"Un placer trabajar con Nacho como siempre. Muy profesional y rapido. Recomiendo 100%"