House and Folk / Acoustic Recording Studios, Mix & Mastering Engineers in house

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Music Producer, Mixing, Master - Manny

Seeking the purity of audio with every production.

Music Producer and Engineer - jaswan

Contributed to Björk's Grammy-nominated album Biophilia

Make Music/ Write lyrics - Tori Riann

I can take your beat and make a whole song out of it, I can write lyrics to your music, I can also sing and record vocals for your song!

Music Producer, Mix Engineer - Blazin AudioVIsual

Blazin AV - Professional Mixing and Mastering Services to capture your music in high definition. Are you an artist or producer looking for an engineer that will make your music shine? Look no further! Experience your song brought to life with HD Quality. Trust me your gonna like the way you sound.

Music Producer, DJ  - Luke Vincent

Are you ready to take your music to the next level? I'm here to help you achieve your musical vision. I specialise in producing high-quality music across various genres, with a focus on commercial house, rap, and pop. With a track that reached number 11 on the iTunes dance charts and a solid reputation as a DJ I can help bring your track to life.

Remote Mixing and Mastering - Kyle "Suave" Hudson

Stick out above the crowd with an amazing and professional sounding track!

Academic Services - ScholarsHut Reviews

ScholarsHut Reviews offers academic services throughout the globe online. Hire us now!

Music Producer - Eightnote

Hi, I'm Eightnote, since I was 15 years old I've been producing Pop/Electronic and Hip Hop music.

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