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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hope United
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You are here because you have a sound in your head that you want the world to hear. I am here because I find so much joy in helping make your sound heard. Specializing in music production and performance, I am excited to help take your project to another level and deliver quality, detailed and creative sound.
With over 15 years of professional live and studio experience, I have been providing remote drum tracks to artists all over the world from my studio in Sheffield, UK. I love to work on many different genres of music but specialise in modern pop/rock drumming styles. With over 1800 songs now recorded, I look forward to working on many more.
Hitman beatz Las Vegas 2x producer of the year, beat battle champion Also runs HitVille Studios in Las Vegas Nevada, Full Sail University graduate Recording and making beats 15 years
TELL ME ABOUT YOUR PROJECT AND HOW I CAN HELP, THROUGH THE 'CONTACT' BUTTON ABOVE. I want to help you make good music. Click the 'Contact' button above to get in touch.
You produced a great song, maybe even a hit song, but whenever you hear it on your AirPods it just sounds flat... That means you probably need someone to mix and master your record. Hi, I'm fred.
We have worked on different styles of music. And our goal is to make sure you get quality sounding record.
Pop Composer, Singer and Vocal Producer, I've worked with artists as: Zion Y Lennox, Tito Nieves, Daniela Darcourt, The Mills and so many more. I specialize in creating top lines, background vocalist, vocal producer, and audio engineer.
Versatile and seasoned drummer with credits including some Brazilian top artists and musicians, such as Lenine (singer/songwriter), Seven Eyes (indie band), Leo Chaves (pop singer) and many others. Being able to navigate from pop songs to improvised music has been a valuable skillset that will enrich the foundation of your song.
Recent Successes
"Matt is eager to listen to your ideas and deliver what is demanded. He helped bring out the best and successfully add to the song with his keyboard playing. Would recommend."
"This is my 2nd experience with Rich and it certainly won't be my last! I had sent Rich one of the tracks I was working on, and he had some ideas to revamp it a little bit. We worked together and I am blown away at the..."
"Simply fast, professional and creative! We will back to work with him. Thank U."
"Those killer vocals are unmatched and I can't wait to do future projects with her."
"I have worked with Benny more than anyone else on SoundBetter. I am never the same artist after working with Benny. He sets the bar for Quantity and Quality to a level I have never seen before. Working with Benny is w..."
"Producer G always goes the extra mile to make sure a song is completed to satisfaction. He's done many of my projects, in all genres...is easy to work with, and has a great response time...so appreciated!"
"Fantastic job mixing and mastering my song, Adrian's a genius!!"
"Amazing work from Samuel and the team he has! Just gave the music the push it needed to bring it to live. Everything has brought me to tears to hear everything!"