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Hinton Alberta Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Grammy nominated and platinum award winning engineer and producer Dennis Moody has established himself as one of the industry's foremost talents. Having proven himself to be an outstanding tracking, mixing and live concert engineer, he has worked with hundreds of the world's top charting artists.
Im a pop singer. Spend 2016 and 2017 working with Timbaland. Ive been told my voice sounds like Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, and Zayn.
welcome to my world!:)
Get a high-quality production, mix, master, or all three! Bring your tracks and ideas to life.
Clanglab, the studio where music is crafted as a precious jewel.
Yo no hago lo que los demás hacen, no sigo los patrones puestos por la sociedad, hago lo que me de la gana y lo que me pida el cuerpo
With several years of writing/engineering singles & albums for both myself & others that have amassed hundreds of thousands of streams, I understand musical creation from both the perspective of an artist & engineer. While adept with every part of the audio process from demoing to mastering, I approach my work with a "music-first" mindset.
Recent Successes
"Beautiful voice, stunning harmonies - and absolutely nailed the brief! Couldn't be happier with results! Thank you so much Amy."
"Friendly, quick & precise! Phenomenal execution, definitely will hire again ❤️ "
"Highly Recommend. Excellent product. Timely and Responsive. Gave more not less. Thank you, Paul. Until next time, take care."
"Dibs is top-notch! I've worked with so many producers/engineers/mixers throughout my life and Dibs is definitely my favorite right now."
"Matt's performance on my song *literally* gave me goosebumps. You hear his SB samples, and you imagine what he might sound like singing your tune, but then you hear what it *actually* sounds like and...like I said, go..."
"It was such a easy thing to work with him. He is so kind and delievers as soon as possible. "
"Mario is the best! He's extremely professional and worked with us to make sure that every tiny detail was perfect. His turnaround is extremely fast and he took our song like, 8 levels higher than it was before we hire..."
"Wes remastered a previous EP for me and the mix felt translated more. All and all, I'll be back"