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Hillside Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hey I'm XAFEAR Music producer & Sound engineer I make lot of differnt genres like EDM , House music ,Pop , Trap/hip hop , RnB/soul , futur Bass ...& lot i have mot of upComing Project if u looking for services or collabs just message me NOW ! my Instagram : _xafear_
RnB King
I'm a producer/sound engineer from Puerto Rico and have worked with multiple upcoming artists and genres ranging from Hip-Hop, Trap, Reggaeton, Dancehall, R&B, Pop. Ive also worked with a couple of upcoming artists from LA.
BeatMaker Mixing & Mastering
I’m an engineer with 10 years of experience and has worked on Grammy-nominated projects. My ideal scenario is to partner with bands, so I can apply tasteful master and elevate the song’s essence. Using my experience as a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, I view my work as a balance of creativity, technical, and musical skills.
a drummer
I really like to push all my plugins to the limit to understand their character and consequently their use! After years of experimentation and masterclasses, I was able to define my own style, with an excellent command of the DAW Studio One and good delivery times. My motto is:"if the customer is happy, I'm happy too!" .
Mixing & Mastering
Recent Successes
"Rob did a great job mixing my song. Quick and easy to work with. Would highly recommend. "
"Very chuffed to have Chris on this track. After picking the best key, he covered the song brilliantly, creatively and no hesitation on further tweaks. He has made the journey up to this point all well worth it. ;-)"
"Professional service. Recommendet"
"Every mix I got been on point never fails 🐐💪🏾💪🏾"
"I've already lost the count on how many songs Luizinho has mixed & mastered for me! I guess that already shows how good he is... thank you again and looking forward to work with you again! :)))"
"Ruby has great instincts and an amazing sound! Highly recommend!"
"Barrett is a true professional. He not only was able to help with the production, mixing, mastering of my song but laid down a killer drum and bass track down as well. He worked back and fourth with me until we had al..."
"Another great set of takes from Brian, the hardest bit is choosing which one to use! Very professional, great communication, and of course brilliant playing."
"Always accurate, fast and concise with a wonderful tone. A pleasure to work with"