Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with HGHTS
PAPER PUG | Songwriter Management: Vocals and toplines/lyrics for EDM & chill house; SOFYKA | Oleave | Lavinia Hope | Adlin - Please let me know which artist you want to work with. Demos on all streaming platforms. We are also offering finished chill house vocal packages - contact us for demos linda(at)paper-pug.com
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Hey! My name is Derion. I am a Songwriter/Recording Artist. Very experienced with writing lyrics and creating catchy vocal melodies for R&B/Pop songs.
Listen to my voice below
Life long music freak.
15 years writing and recording music in different bands. Looking to get my name out there. All genre's welcome. I do have a special place in my heart for rock and metal!
Professional mixing, mastering, and music production all in one place! As an mix engineer, drummer, bassist, and vocalist, I'm here to take your music to the next level. Let's bring your sound vision to life!"
I will composer you a Cinematic Soundtrack for Film and Games
1 man - All the brass section.
Recent Successes
"It was a great experience to work with Audrey. She's talented singer who produces an amazing vocal track. Her optimism, vocal talent and enthusiastic working style exceeded expectations. "
"Jason has done great work again."
"Gabriele is really talented with vocals stems made a really professionnal guitar acoustic and electric background melody total of 7 wavs all perfectly time and engineer ready to mix all that in less then 24hrs!!! Will..."
"LOST FOR WORDS! Brandon transformed what i sent into something very sonically beautiful. He understood every single inquiry and sent back what once was an ok song.. into a BOP. "
"He Did some stunning work as always :) As always i nice to work with him. Communication 10/5 stars."
"Audiostein has killed it again. Amazing guy who is friendly and professional. Always delivers exactly what I envision and is patient until it's 100% there. Highly recommend to everyone. "
"DAMN! What I just experienced words will not carry enough weight. Gals creativity, swag and power on this called Ready Up was F***ing INSANE! Demi-god level!! Gal wrote one of the catchiest beats that also lights ..."