Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hello World SE
With a gift for crafting ethereal, minimalist compositions, her voice resonates with a haunting beauty. As a seasoned topline creator, she's collaborated with producers worldwide, infusing their tracks with unforgettable hooks and emotive depth.
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Ronin is a New York base producer/engineer from Taiwan. After moving to United State at the age of 15, he was exposed to the world of electronic music. Inspired by artists like Avicii, Chris lord-Alge, David Guetta, Calvin Harris…, not only he learned to produce but also focus on the mixing aspect of his music.
Musician, producer, & amateur mixing engineer. I dabble in indie rock, psych rock, synthwave, hip hop, and metal. I work as a session guitarist, and have a skillset in songwriting. I have worked mixing and mastering tracks for myself and other artists in varying genres.
Ready for your first Billboard Hot 100 record? Let's get to work. Award winning ghostwriter, music producer, mixing & mastering engineer, & singer-songwriter who wants the world to hear your heart through music.
4 million streams world wide ( Herbalist - kulture DNB )
ERP Software Consulting Solutions | Cyber Security Services Company - Allari Inc
Vocal/Sound Production, Engineering, Trumpet Player, Pianist
10,000,000+ Spotify Streams / Worked with many record labels such as Sony, Ultra, Lithuania, One Seven etc .. Collaborated with grammy nominated and multi platinum artists (Gabry Ponte, Lum!x, Lucky Luke, Galwaro, Zombic etc ..) With my personal project "Kevin Palms" I have released songs that have millions of streams all over the world
Sound director of the cultural center. Access to big stage sound. Owner of a recording studio. I will make a song literally out of sticks. Compilation of songs in different styles. Worked on various equipment. Credits with Paulker, ДТВ, TwoTonesHigher.
Recent Successes
"Bruce is a true professional. It was such an honor to work with him. If you haven't worked with this guy, you are missing out! "
"Malachi is a master of modern sounds, rhythms and arrangements. He did a immediately contemporary and relevant remix for one of my songs. Second job with him and I don't plan for it to be the last. Can't go wrong. "
"Juanfe was a pleasure to work with, ever the professional. He did a great job accomplishing our recording goal. We appreciated Rowan's efficiency with correspondence (he was in LA, we're in Berlin); again, a consummat..."
"Very thorough very affordable!! Will continue to build a relationship with him and send him new beats to give us those awesome lyrics to!! First try and we were satisfied!!! Already sensing new proposal request!!!!! "
"Mikhail was really easy to work with, he understood what my song needed and did everthing as quick as possible to make the results just like how I wanted it to be. Will definitely work with him in the near future! :)"
"Very fast, fun to work with but most importantly very good at what they do! They made my song sound professional and exactly how I imagined! Highly recommended and incredible artist"
"Once again Alex delivered really creative grooves and great sounds for a new indie rock production! By the way he is also a great guy!!!"
"Arianna immediately understood what I was looking for and was able to perfectly match the vibe of the track She has incredible vocal control and a beautiful sonic character that's highly complimentary to the genres I..."
"Amazing! This was my first project that blended elements of ambient music with an acoustic style. Simone saw how the unique song could shine in its own way while complementing the rest of my acoustic album. "