Harp in Parma
Professional Harpist for New Compositions, Short tracks and long tracks, any genre with Improvvisation and Composition skills
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I graduated from Musitechnic College in early 2014. Since then I have worked on several projects. I've mastered a 3 songs EP for the band Vinyl Erosion, created a musical arrangement for a local artist and mixed songs for local bands as well.
www.sarnovskisseruma.com check out the album.
I produce write you a song, co-write, ToplineArtist and much more
I'm an audio engineer from São Paulo, Brazil, focused on podcast editing and production.
Recording/Mixing Engineer Apart Of The New Upcoming Nyc Hip Hop Sound.
Having a lifelong passion for EDM as well as being versed with violin and piano, Gooüs blends an ensemble of live and digital sounds and can go from the jazzy bass lines of G-House to the punching beats of Techno.
Beats , mix and master! Musician for you project
Recent Successes
"Incredibly quick work that ended with a fabulous sounding track. Highly recommend!"
"The consulting session with David was really awesome! We discussed about my tracks but also about the industry and David gave me really useful advices to move forward to the next stage. Definitely recommend!"
"I have found Jim Shirey to a true talent and professional, who's entrepreneurial skills gained my immediate confidence, and therefore, my business. Artistically, a giant in understanding a clients needs and desires, ..."
"Rodrigo helps me so much so as to put mu track in the right direction, this man is so talented & attentive with the requests. I would say : work with him ! "