Harmonica in California
Chromatic Harmonica Specialist with 40 years recording experience playing Pop, Jazz, Brazilian, R&B, Americana and Experimental music. Major influences include Stevie Wonder and Toots Thielemans.
Ronnie Blanchet is an award winning multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter and performer. He has toured and performed many live shows as a fellow bandmate, band leader, solo-artist and as a lead singer/entertainer. In the world of production he is a recording artist, producer, recording engineer, mixer, top liner and co-writer.
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More providers:
André Indiana, Mónica Ferraz, Amarelo Manga, Indiana Blues Band, Etc...
I have many years of audio experience working with quality artists. I've worked with high profile artists, artists of many different genres. I'm educated in audio engineering, have had many of my masters on radio. I offer affordable price with great turnaround and high quality. I'm an instructor in my own music program that teaches music production
Hi! My Name is Jose and I´m a Musicians Institute graduate, guitarist/producer/engineer out of Mexico. I own a recording studio and do all types of audio work from recording, mixing, mastering and post. I also teach audio engineering at Mexico´s top university ITESM.
Mixing & Mastering Engineer
Music Production(lyrics, compose, arrangement, mixdown, mastering, studio direction, live artist direction of showbiz etc.) Client exapmple: Sony Music, Sony Computer Entertainment, Resistor Records, sun-krad Co., Ltd, FWD inc, NHK, CAM MUSIC CREATION Inc., Tipness, Mages, Gumi etc. *More details, please visit website https://studioergo.wordpres
Mix and master
I put my heart into each project in which I am part.
Take your Music to the Next Level!
Recent Successes
"Nicolas is amazing. Great work as always! "
"Very nice trumpet solos which embellish greatly my song. Very nice person also. Will get back to theBass&Brass very soon for some other recordings."
"Austin is FANTASTIC, definitely knows what he is doing-- flexible to the needs, and does the job primarily to satisfy the client's need, and his motivation is not the money. Thank you much, brother!"
"Another job complete. Professional as always. I cannot stress how professional and organised Kunert’s system is from start to finish. Looking forward to the next project!"
"As usual, Serouj goes above and beyond the call of duty. This is my second song with him and I've already started another. He's gold! You can't go wrong."
"Simon has been a wonderful artist to collaborate and develop work with. His expertise in audio design and storytelling with sound is accomplished and reliable. Communication was clear and insightful across the project..."
"Martin is the best!!! "