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Harbor Springs Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi! I'm an audio engineer and session musician based out of Minneapolis, MN. I play drums, guitar, bass, ukulele, saxophone, and mandolin. I enjoy music ranging from pop and country to jazz and progressive rock. You name it and I will mix it. I like playing music in pop, rock, and country genres.
Bass Player. Formerly toured with Lauren Daigle.
"That's really the way to do a recording: in a peaceful, relaxed setting. In somebody's basement. With the windows open ... and a dog lying on the floor." - Bob Dylan
Johnny Davis Producer, engineer, and multi-instrumentalist has worked with notable artists like Bassnectar ( Amorphous, Om, Destroid, Monstercat, OWSLA). Chino Moreno of (Deftones), Fallstar (Facedown Records), Capture The Flag, Cait Ford (The Voice and American Idol)
What if music was about wildlife? What would that sound like? What is their song?
Pin Up Fever
I'm a sound designer and mixing/mastering engineer working in the vast field of electronic music. Working remotely.
Get professional mixing and mastering quality for your tracks. Get creative, leave the hustle to us.
Recent Successes
"Thanks Richard. Your voice is just craaazy ;) "
"amazing again great ability to get the vocal just right every time!"
"Dillon is a great drummer. He knew just what the song needed and laid it down without having to be coached. He has a tremendous ear and his kit sounds great. Highly recommended!!"
""You get what you pay for" is definitely how to describe his work! This price might not be the budget friendly for everyone but the quality is immaculate. It is your choice to pay 30$ for cheap bedroom mixtape sounds ..."
"The biggest gain is to re-understand the dynamic, endless learning."
"And again I come back because Gus is flawless at translating my lyrics to fully fledged songs. Great communication as always, and a great guy with amazing ideas of how to incorporate his artistry with my stories. ..."
"Tom of Waltz Mastering was excellent to work with. He listened to my mix, Mastered it, gave me a preview, let me make changes, gave me another preview, and just like that my Song has improved drastically. I think he m..."
"Paul is Super talented and professional. Had a great time working with him (2 jobs so far)"
"Raena was amazing. She went above and beyond to create adlibs and harmonies that really brought the song to life!"