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Hamm Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hello I am Vitto, Grammy winning Mixer,Producer. Originally from Miami where I worked with top Latin artist of the industry, In '07 was awarded a Latin Grammy as producer/mixer and Engineer. In '10 moved to LA where I had the opportunity to work with legendary producer Rodney Jerkins and top artist in the American market-Check credits below.
A belting, emotive singer-songwriter, specializing in pop, R&B, & country providing vocals and songwriting, along with basic demo production for those on a budget :)
IG: vincejohnmusic
Hi, I'm Sergei, I'm a hip-hop, trap, rap, pop and rnb sound engineer. I am 26 years old, I am from Ukraine, I have been mixing and mastering for 9 years. During this time, I mixed over 3000 projects and worked with over 300 artists. If you are an artist and you need to mix your voice or beat beautifully, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be rea
I'm a composer, music producer and audio engineer from India
With 4 years of nonstop production and mixing I have a lot of experience under my belt and would love to help you take your music to the next step!
Years of experience working with audio, mixing and mastering EDM / Rock.
Allain Rauen is an dj, music producer and film composer that started his professional career in 1989, whose intuition, talent, and determination to innovate, put him in the fertile underground electronic music scene.
Recent Successes
"One thing I can say about Marco, is he delivers. There's never any nonsense and it's a fast turn around. You won't be disappointed or toyed with for day/weeks."
"This was my first time working with Anna. She composed a classical piece for me. She did a very good job! She is an accomplished pianist and composer! She finished the job promptly which is important to me. I hope to ..."
"Great experience wit Michael! He help me a lot with my production!"
"Great master for my song, got it right first time! Will be coming back to him for all my mastering "
"Top Producer!! J-Marin Beats are just insane, i’ll def work with him again for my upcoming EP! 🖤 ✨"
"Once again Stephen comes through on a difficult song with a steller vocal."
"Always great to work with Myah! She always does incredible work!!"
"Holy Moly!!! I'm hitting my imaginary jury table right now and have to get up. Calvin is the real deal! I know how nervous you can get as a songwriter to have someone turn a power track into the firework it needs to b..."
"Simply the Best! Always a pleasure to work with Amilli, very professional and reliable. I strongly recommend everyone not to hesitate, try it!"
"Fantastic to work with Tim! Great result, quick and easy communication."