Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gysele Ryder
I am a producer of eight years interested in recording artists, mixing their tracks, making beats, writing songs and taking products from zero to hero.
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With a no-nonsense approach, Audio Expertise delivers professional results of the finest audio quality, and helps you complete your project – whether you need recording, editing, mixing or mastering. The studio is located in a complex of 5 professionally built studios of various sizes, and equipped with PMC monitors and select pieces of gear.
Hi! I am a mixing and mastering engineer with 20+ years of experience in the field. I have worked on so many projects and I can guarantee a very high quality within a restricted budget. Pro level, low price! See my demos to get an idea of my style. Thanks!
Just Hear Audio is a mixing and audio mastering studio run by Richard Zagiba (Ri Za / Just Hear). Trained by the well-known engineers for many years and with tons of practicing and experience, he has really become a professional in this field.
I will help you create & make your music sound like a record.
I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I've been producing for 7 years now. I stand out in the Tech House since it is my style with which I identify but I can also help you in Techno and Progressive. I have a lot of passion for what I do and I love this vocation.
I’m 18 always working on guitar, open to all genres, love to write and produce music, always excited to work with any kind of music
Audio Production and Engineering Services
11 years experience. The first order of mixing&mastering for free/
Recent Successes
"Great job and fast turnaround!"
"It's been an incredible journey working with Mario who has mixed our 13 song debut album to a world class standard. The guy is fast-paced, professional with great musical sensibility. Working with him is an absolute p..."
"Hipolito is an amazing musician, and is super easy to work with. He's 100% willing to go the extra step and make sure your track sounds perfect. I definitely recommend working with Hipolito."
"Got back really quickly with an awesome performance!"
"What I have to say, Professional, nice voice, fast and patient.I give to him 5 stars but I add one myself! I will work with him on other songs. Salvo "
"Brent just GETS it - first pass was incredible and it just kept getting better. very communicative, straight-forward, and needs very little direction as long as you have a solid idea of the sound you're going for and ..."
"nice work! very patient and work with me for my revision requests. "
"Another jam in the books! Always a pleasure working with Daniela."
"Dave at Hiltongrove did a great job mastering a song for me. I like to listen to a master on multiple speakers/systems of varying quality so that I know if it will work for all the different ways people listen to musi..."