Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Guv3
READY TO BRING YOUR MUSIC TO THE NEXT LEVEL? I will talk with you to translate YOUR artistic vision into a finished product READY TO BE RELEASED! I know how important is to communicate with an engineer, I will spend precious time to understand what makes your track stand out and how to take the most out of it.
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Chris J Priest is a music producer, songwriter and performer with a decade of professional experience in the music industry.
Natural drumsounds, jazzy style and sometimes different - that is my passion. Recorded in 24bit stereo with no compression or effects on it - just a good sounding drumset. You could select between 5 snare drums and different hihat sizes, 3 bass drum sizes - but believe me - the sound is in my hands.
Performance and recording acoustic or electric guitars from Blues to metal. Gentle or incendiary violin passages. Rocking rhythm or Bossa Nova . I'm at your service Also arrangements of songs. Quickly and tastefully.
Flavio Diaz, Italian DJ from Naples, boasts releases on some of the world’s top techno labels. To this day his release and featuring background includes some of the leading techno record labels like Adam Beyer’s Drumcode Records, Rino Cerrone’s Rilis, Unrilis and Loose Records, Sven Väth’s Cocoon Recordings and Marco Bailey’s MB Elektronics.
Self-taught audio engineer.
Mixing and mastering engineer from germany.
Argentinian bassist constantly working to overbecome and achieve the musical greatness.
¡Hola a todos! Soy Sergio Johan Arévalo Romero, conocido como Sergio J Romero. Soy un productor musical, artista y músico independiente colombiano. Me apasiona crear y producir música, mezclando géneros como EDM, electrónica y reguetón. Me esfuerzo por crear temas únicos y variados para todos ustedes.
Recent Successes
"Austin always does amazing work. He is thorough, friendly, gets things done fast, and is a joy to work with. Highly recommend him."
"Was a pleasure working with Arianna, she has an amazing voice and she was able to translate the idea I had on mind into reality, she delivered the vocals super fast and so on point that wasn't much to revise. definete..."
"Emilio thanks for the beautiful tracks! it sounded wonderful on the song! Emilio is a great percussionist but more that that is very sensitive musician capable of capturing the nuances of a song and using his talent..."
"It was an awesome experience to work with Scott again. Scott is a true professional and brings that professionalism to the song. He immediately understood our requirements and not only delivered what we expected, he e..."
"Shrai did excellent work on making my beat just as I requested! He made a remake version on one of my songs, and the resemblance was surprisingly good. "
"Hands-down the best producer on this website. I have used gecko now on five songs and cannot be happier with the outcome. They sound modern, hit hard and feel like productions you’d hear on the radio."
"Tom has been brilliant throughout the project - really happy with the mix, sound engineering and mastering.... he has given my work a serious uplift, and I'm looking forward to working with him again. Very responsive..."
"Always a pleasure to work with. Really cares about the direction you want to take your song in. I would highly recommend. "