Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with guiltyofjoy
PRO Rock Metal Vocalist with 25 years of singing experience
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I am an Audio Engineer who strives to provide the best possible service to an artist, so that their art is represented with the utmost respect and articulation.
I'm a mixing and mastering engineer - and producer - from Brazil. I'm very good at all of those things, according to the critically acclaimed artists I've worked with (and also my mom). I own a recording studio, but I'm looking to do more remote work and get to know artists from other places. Also, I'm cheap because I don't have a Grammy (yet).
I will catch your vision and bring it to life.
Ryan has been professionally recording, mixing, & mastering for over 5 years and have worked with many artists across all genres. Putting his heart and soul in delivering the best sound for your tracks.
Grammy Awards and multiplatinum mixer Engineer. Almost 30 years experience.
I will complete your songs the best way possible, through my mixing skills and experience.
Quick turnaround and professional parts delivered, simple or complex, with specific direction given or liberties granted.
Sophisticated and innovative audio/music producer with a keen ear for detail and a flair for creativity. I aspire to push the boundaries of sound design in the music, entertainment, and video game industries. My goal is to create immersive and unforgettable auditory experiences that resonate with audiences worldwide.
Recent Successes
"It was such a blessing to find Nicki on Soundbetter. She is an amazing talent with vocals that far exceed most. More than anything, she is patient professional and very easy to work with. Dripping with talent and want..."
"SUPER quick turnaround, professional and amazing!! I’ve been getting so many compliments and positive feedback on my productions from him and his beats have helped me land placements in hotels, bars and mall playlist! "
"Ryan is the man! Not only an unbelievable singer, but the nicest guy you'll meet. Such a talent, love working with him. Will be back again and again!"
"I highly recommend working with Mark. He is a great lyricist and really cares about the finished product. "
"Absolutely incredible, masterful work again...completely satisfied... Samuel brought incredible life to my tracks. What a legend."
"Johnny made an outstanding job. Out of the multiple people that I aksed to record the guitar riff, Johnny made the best job. What's more, he replied to my messages almost instantly. I super satisfied with his service..."
"Well, I've officially finished an entire album with Alex. He nailed it. Very creative but also has the ability to adapt to whatever it is you are trying to pull off. He made it seem easy. Great stuff!"
"Whoa, Sakari wrote a really good topline and lyrics for my latest single. She's a super talented singer as well."
"Bram from This Mix Is Sick delivered the best master I have received to date. The final product was exactly how I envisioned the track, and the turnaround time was very quick. I would HIGHLY recommend Bram as your ..."