Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gregg Karukas
I'm a Bass Player/Singer/Songwriter/Producer for artists like Chicago, Dwight Yoakam, Lucas Grabeel, Keiko Matsui, and many others. I have 30 years of experience playing Pop, Rock, R&B, Country, Jazz, Latin, and anything you need. I sing Rock, Soul, Folk, Americana and Jazz. I can also arrange and sing your backup vocals and harmonies.
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Experienced Engineer, Producer and Touring Live Sound Engineer. As a Live Engineer I've travelled the world, mixed FOH at the biggest festivals and have been present for sessions at world reknown broadcast studios such as Maida Vale. In the first year of opening my own studio my works had reached airplay on BBC Radio 1, 2, 3, 6 Music & Kerrang!
Hi! I am an expert violinist and violist with 35 years performance experience in settings ranging from classical symphonies to experimental chamber music to improvising with electronic DJs. I have played numerous string sessions in The Studio of Larry Gold for R&B, rock and pop music. For the last 15 years I have also composed my own music.
A Unique Sound
Hey! I'm Micah Nevin! I am a music producer from California. I can create your song from scratch or build a full arrangement around your lyrics/vocal ideas. My Specialty is EDM, Pop and Hip Hop. I'll work nonstop and put everything I've got into your track until you are completely satisfied - that's a promise!
I am a highly creative songwriter/producer, looking to help artists bring their tunes to life. With over ten years of experience of music-making, I have worked on songs of all styles and genres: my fifth solo album is released this Autumn. I work with experienced professionals, but also with people finishing their first tunes - it's about the song.
Analog Mastering. Unlimited Revisions. Starting at $119. We make a mean master in any genre, but we specialize in working on music with guitars in it. Our sacred tenets are: Fast communication, world-class quality, and blowing you away with your masters. Check out our latest masters we've done and hear for yourself!
I can mix, produce, play guitar/bass and sing.
For less than 20 dollars you can sound like your favorite artists. specialist in: TRAVIS SCOTT LEITI KNAK DUKI C.R.O. KHEA
Recent Successes
"Working with Orville has always been fun. He has got the right ear for music and understands the requirement. A true professional with quality service."
"I am very thankful that I met Jack on this plattform because he truly unterstands how to mix a timelesss mix. Nowadays mixing engineers mix their tracks very sqashed but Jack is from the old school and he knows how to..."
"Brian composed a track for a pop lyric I wrote. Nice job on the piano as well as guitar. MH"
"Where to even start. Amelia has gone above and beyond to create the sound that I was so wanting to achieve as this was a really special and meaningful present to someone who means a lot to me. We were able to chat 24/..."
"Tom is true audio professional with big chops. One of the best guns in his arsenal, is his communication skills and ability to understand what you are trying to accomplish sonically. Very important at the final stage ..."
"Bonzai was an absolute pleasure to work with. Very professional and respectful, and delivered everything I had envisioned for my project. Always responded quickly and made any adjustments I asked for. I would highly r..."
"Rob Murray is an excellent engineer that listened to my vision, communicated in a timely manner, and went above my expectations. Will totally work with him again sometime!"