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Greenland Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Received technical degree from the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences. Currently am working as an Audio Visual Specialist for Tropicana Entertainment in live sound for some of the hottest entertainers on the casino circuit.
I work towards quality not quantity!
HitmakerChinx is a professional dancer, producer, and DJ. Chinx is also the Pioneer: Creatior of the new dance genre of music called FDM (FLEX DANCE MUSIC) Mst recenty on tour with Rihanna Antiworld Tour as a dancer, Chinx spreads his music all over the globe
Bass : Authentic Motown to Wide-Open Progressive Art Rock, Pop & Metal. 4,5 & fretless, For the song's needs. Lifelong Pro, No Ego.
Do you have a song that you recorded but need some life in it? or Do you have a Song that you have in your head but you need someone to help it become a reality? Let me help you. I can take anything and make it into something. With Some years of working with Grammy Wining Creatives I think i can help make any record become the hit you need.
Years as a touring musician. Film music creator and selector. Jim Rome used my music as stingers on his show. Production Sound Mixer for commercial, corporate, and documentary. Many credits including Steve Aoki - I'll Sleep When I'm Dead on Netflix. https://www.youtube.com/user/digging90650
I'm a Pro ukulelist with a cheerful mood and 30 years of experience. As a Multi-instrumentalist (Acoustic and Electric Guitar, Fretless and Fretted Bass, Ukulele) I can play in every style. Check my SoundCloud playlist below for more samples!
Mixing and Mastering here in Brazil professionally since 2017 (studing and "hobbing" since 2012). Participated in a Akademia Music Awards winning album, in 2018, as Recording Engineering, Mix and Master.
Recent Successes
"Great job @ super turnaround time. Very professional Thanks Luke"
"Great piano track and easy to communicate with - would recommend"
"Nice keys to round out my project, excellent turnaround time! "
"Talented musicians really bring a lot to a project. Jay built a very nice universe on this one, with classy harmonies and nice vibes!"
"What else is there to say? He's a pro and just about the nicest guy ever.... "
"Owen amazes me more and more, every time that I work with him. I love how he always keeps me updated on what he's done and I appreciate all of his input and his knowledge to finish songs that I've been stuck on. S..."
"Ken was a pleasure to work with! Great communication and so patient with me throughout the project. Super receptive to all my little changes and gave me helpful feedback to declutter some of the messiness that I wasn'..."
"WONDERFUL experience again !! Kevin is consistently excellent in anything he does, it is easy to continue working with someone that I know I will ALWAYS receive the best quality from ! Easy to work with, fast, and the..."
"That's six songs in the can for the new album. They just keep coming and Marcello just keeps delivering at a staggering level of excellence!"
"Very kind, very professional and so talented. I’m so happy with what she came up with. Thanks Emmaline!!!!"