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Graton Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Professional Certified 24/56 track Recording Studio Mixing & Mastering. $200.00 pr. 8hr. day. Recording, Editing, Mixing, Mastering or all the above currently at a flat rate of $200 per 8 hour day or $25.00 pr. hr. Standard rate $35.00 pr. hr. Works in person or (over the net with trusted sources). Also works with notoriety artist's.
StudioMechanic Productions is a studio production company that provides a way for local musicians to record their art. All of our engineers have degrees in the Music Production Recording Arts. We believe that music is an art form and that every musician should have an opportunity to capture his or her art.
Music producer from Brazil. Specialist in Latin, Pop, Jazz, Samba and Bossa music.
I'm a professional vocalist and songwriter with 15+ years of experience singing and writing and 5+ years of production. My voice has been featured on commercials for major corporations and in songs appearing in major motion pictures. I've worked with hundreds of satisfied clients from over 20 countries. Now serving you on Soundbetter!
I made my first record in 1982!
I'm a Swedish singer, songwriter, Producer with experience in multiple genres. My strength is Melody and Lyrics (Top-line) but I'm also great creating Film tracks. I have University education in music and I collaborated with producers like Vanessa Liftig (Wu tan Clan, Justin Bieber) and Robin Mortensen Lynch (Pink, Backstreet boys) among others.
Unlock the full potential of your music with professional mixing and mastering services. With 6 years of experience and a Diploma in Sound Engineering at APM (Turin), I bring expertise and passion to every project. Let's perfect your sound together.
Recent Successes
"This is my third time working with J-Marin. He is so fast at the getting jobs done and creates production at a high industry standard. We have some potential placements on TV from our work together and I am looking fo..."
"Zach is super professional, responds right away, and his mixes/masters are awesome. Super easy to work with. Def the go to guy. thanks zach."
"Filip was so easy to work with and put really slick and interesting ideas into my track! He achieved an excellent and professional result. I would definitely recommend his services to others and I would love to work w..."
"Eileen always does amazing work! She composes and produces magic music every time. Whatever style of song I have ever asked for, she consistently creates with professional excellence."
"Amélie is great to work with. She's a talented player for sure, and also great at taking direction, collaborating and trying ideas until the track is perfect. Total pro, and I would definitely work with her again and ..."
"What an incredible singer, and wonderful to work with. Can't wait to work with her again!"
"Another excellent job by Chris! We’ve collaborated a few times and he is hands down my go-to talent. Super professional, massive talent, and easy communication. One of the best on SoindBetter!"
"It was such a pleasure working with Carla. Her voice is fabulous and she sounds great on our project. I was blown away with how creative she was with her melodies and lyrics and all of this was done in such a short ti..."