Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Global Ghost
I'm a seasoned producer, studio owner, and multi-instrumentalist with a handful of Grammy nominations.
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Produção, gravação, mixagem e masterização
The duo team behind countless movies and television shows, as well as popular and urban music. Credits include Universal Pictures' "Marry Me", Netflix "Sweet Tooth", Def Jam, DC Comics, and a Sundance Film Festival Winner.
“...a spooky, Upside Down version of Sun Studio” - Rolling Stone
I work with both major and independent artists to help produce great music by many means.
My specialty, and what I just enjoy a lot, is playing swing grooves; grooves with swag. As well as improvising, dynamics, and not being afraid to experiment and take risks. Sometimes that creates magic, and sometimes it doesn’t. 🤷 I’m also a producer and love producing electronic music.
Producer, engineer, label A&R and winner of the 2020 Beatport Producer Challenge for Trance. I've had releases on Pure Trance, Always Alive, Regenerate, Raz Nitzan Music, among others.
Level up your tracks with stunning backing vocals and expert arranging! SoundBetter connects you with me, a professional backing vocalist and arranger who can add that extra "cool" factor you've been searching for. Let's collaborate and bring your music an extra layer of life!
EDM, POP, Hip Hop, and Electronic music production.
Recent Successes
"Honestly I'm so happy I chose Ziv to work on my project. The turnaround time was insanely quick and Ziv really took my project to the next level. His guitar work is genuinely unreal and the parts he wrote in fitted pe..."
"Very Professional, and it's great getting an audio quality report before beginning the mastering. Love Andres' work. Would highly recommend."
"Elliot’s work is sooo good, and the turn-around time is exceptional. I like his sound. "
"I highly recommend Courtney for her excellent skill and talent. "
"I love how my song sounds! I had my song mastered elsewhere and far preferred Mount Olympia's take on the piece. "
"Cory Clark was EXCELLENT Bass, Drums, & Guitar On My Remake Of "Lover's Eve" by Isley Brothers! Thank you, Brother!"