Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Glitz
Music is basically expensive I know, but to me the expense is not only funds, but how to communicate your emotions, thoughts and everything you feeling into words and rhythm, am here to help you communicate your feeling and thoughts into and through music as your songwriter.
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Bass ace hired-gun living in the NYC area. Played 130+ shows in 2019 and recorded on dozens of projects. My ear is geared towards pop music of every era, style, and magnitude whether it be glitzy Top 40, Motown-esque retro-soul, or whispery bedroom synth pop. I love to bring that secret sauce in the low end that will make your project POP!
Come get a slice of the Spooky Lukey universe, from glitz to grime and everything in between, it's sugar, space, and plenty of bass. Give me a ring and we can chat about your imagination's wildest corners and see what comes out of it.
Beatport Top 20 Melodic House & Techno Artist. Beatport Hype Top 10 Melodic House & Techno Artist.
Power pop purveyor, adding hooks and glitz to your productions.
Mix engineer and modular synth-head capable of audio cleanup, production, polishing and composition. Past work includes film scores, sound design, and songs and albums ranging from the orchestral to the big-studio glitz, to lo-fi self-productions. I work best with unique characters, people willing to subvert standards and demand exquisite results.
DJ Potential is part of the new sound wave. DJ Potential can create a custom mix from any song or curate from multiple genres of music samples to make a new creation. Aside from creation, DJ Potential has been hosting a celebrity level tier music podcast, Kinetic PE MIXX show, and has extensive background in audio editing and arrangement.
Hey! My name is ANJL and I am a female R&B/Pop vocalist for hire. I can sing your R&B/Pop demos or arrange background vocals for your tracks. Check out my music on all streaming platforms under my name "ANJL" to hear what I do :)
Recent Successes
"Heidi was just amazing to work with. Straight on point, effecient and fantastic to get ideas to emotional lyrics and vocals. She got that something extra that only comes by experience and because she is a natural artist."
"Joseph was clear with his changes and workflow in an element of music creation I am least experienced in (mastering a produced and mixed track). He was easy to work with, receptive to feedback, and the final product w..."
"Tyree made my song pop. It sounds top notch now!!!! Thank you🙌🏾"
"A mentor once said, “people will come to you for a good product, but they’ll stay because of a good experience.” Arianna is completely both! Her voice is beautifully expressive, transcending mere technique with heart ..."
"Trey took a song that just wasn't coming together completely, and added dynamics to give the track a full, detailed & finished sound, preserving the character of the vocals while improving their technicality. "
"Obviously an unbelievable player but his quick turnaround and attentiveness was top notch as well. "
"I can highly recommend Samuel, clean pro tracks, really fast turnaround, great communication."
"Chris is a world-class drummer who can give Travis Barker (and other drummers) a run for their money! He is great to work with and gives you 3 awesome takes! If you're looking for an awesome drummer for any genre (and..."