Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with glasseyed
Professional-grade production, composition, mixing and mastering at an affordable price - specialities are Metal, Trap/Hip-Hop, Pop, and EDM. I can take your demos, song ideas or rough mixes and turn them into full-fledged productions, ready to compete with everything else on streaming services and the radiowaves.
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I am an Award Winning producer and mixing engineer owner of Esoteric Sound Studio in NYC. My work has more than 100 million streams on Spotify! I am truly known for my dedication, attention to the art itself, and making sure I am not imposing my sound but rather becoming an extension of yourself and your intentions.
Greetings! My name is Jim, and I am happy to work with you to help you take your music to the next level! Check out our 38 5-star reviews, pics, news, and videos on facebook: www.facebook.com/soundwavesaz
Happily producing & engineering for clients worldwide from Los Angeles for the past decade.
ONE MAN BAND,The music you want,i make it complete.
young, clean, pure voice for pop, edm, indie ...
Steezy #1
Professional multi-genre vocalist/topliner/lyricist with 10+ years of experience working in studio sessions. Unique, versatile and warm vocal style, perfect for pop, pop/rock, EDM and house projects.
Crafting emotional and heartfelt lyrics—I'm Monika, dedicated to creating words that truly resonate. My writing process is personal, ensuring each song tells a unique story. Whether you need a pop ballad or a soulful piece, I'll bring your vision to life. Let's create something special together! ♡
Recent Successes
"Absolutely Perfect every time - awesome job!!"
"This is the second time I worked with Yoad and again he has delivered an amazing mix I am super happy with! Will definitely be back ! thank you for your high quality work! "
"An amazing partner to work with and also has an impressive turn over time as well! Will not hesitate at all to work again with Joey for sure in the future. Astonishing voice!"
"fermin did a great job mixing my song and i was very impressed with the quality of the mix. very affordable and reliable. definitely recommend!"
"A great pleasure to work with Matias on a new track. As usual creative, inventive, professional...And friendly. Classy!"
"It was really exciting to work with franZ again. Will definitely collaborate again for future projects."
" I am satisfied with the end result, although it took some time, but He was really patient. Got my song sounding just as I wanted Quality work ! Highly recommended!"
"Taia really nailed the project we asked her to do. Absolutely killer lyrics and just an awesome and easy person to work with ! Amazing voice too! Thanks again Taia! 10/10"
"Artem is a great guy with the perfect vision of mastering/mixing. Done a great job quickly and proper quality "
"This is my 2nd collaboration with the incredibly talented Marcos Barilari. Once again, Marcos has exceeded all expectations, delivering a musical composition that not only embodies perfection but also captures the ess..."
"Kramer is a dream to work with! He provides world class mastering services in an incredibly timely manner with fantastic communication throughout. His portfolio gave me reason to trust him with my album, and I’m beyon..."