Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ghettokids
Professional session musician and music producer for artist as David Bisbal, Mariah Angelique, Aitana, Kenia Os, San Luis and so many others.
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Engineer, Songwriter, and Producer for over 15+ years. Experience, talent, and passion.
I studied music got to work with all types of well known artists spanish and american have lots of knowledge in other music cultures also.. contact number 787-241-8620
Hi! I am PLVYHAUS, I am a music producer at your service! Message me for more sound samples!!
Hey music lovers and artists of all kinds! Are you guys tired and stressed from doing all the footwork in getting your music heard on streaming platforms having decent sound quality? Well my name is Gabanna Deluchi and I am a lyricist , and a ghost writer if anyone needs help producing beats or writing a song Im your man
Multi- instrumentalist, producer, engineer, and song writer.
Producer/composer/writer with placements with notable artists as well as feature film theatrical trailers, full feature film scoring, and commercials.
I am a rhythm guitar and bass player with 25+ years experience under my belt. Acoustic guitar, rhythm electric, and bass is what I’m actively playing live.
In my pyjamas with a cup of coffee. I do remote mixing, mastering, singing, as well as voice over from my personal studio in Calgary, Canada.
Recent Successes
"Amazing Singer! Will work with him on future projects "
"It is such pleasure to work with Suwon, She is a PRO, yet very down to earth, so easy to work with her, she arranging my song, honestly the demo that I sent to her, very flat and boring, and she leveled up that song t..."
"Jemini made an amazing beats to my top line melody and I am very happy with it and he is soo talented and fast! I’ll definitely with him again!!"
"I've tried many other people before, some of them stating to have grammy awards on their profile, but was very disappointed. But Neel nailed it! Very loud and clear mastering without altering my mix. I couldn't be hap..."
"Great to work with Michael again as a vocalist, he has a powerful voice and can tune into the song that he is working with, he can be versatile with singing style as and when required. Decent person to work with. "
"Another project with Jarrett and I'm blown away by this guy's talent. One of the most skillful and soulful singers that I've ever worked with on Soundbetter. Absolutely incredible voice!"
"Thank you for delivering a wonderful accurate performance of the song. Amazing voice."