Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ghetto Riches
Music Producer | Multiple Signings | Alumni @CosmicAcademy | Placed on Spotify Editorial Alternative Hip-hop | 2X Beatport Top 100
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Non-genre Producer with various Japanese Anime hits. Specializes in NON-POP music. Oriental & Ethnic Arrangments (ex. Taiko, Shakuhachi, Shamisen, Koto etc.)
Currently located in Vancouver BC, Kieran strives to create original and exciting mixes for all types of music to give your songs the best possible chance at success, including documentaries and short films.
With over 2 decades of experience in all things music production & mixing. What I bring to the table is a deep understanding of music and songs. I've been signed to Atlantic Records and UMPG, had songs I've worked on climb the charts, get A list syncs and radio play. I've worked up close with multi-grammy winning producers, songwriters and mixers.
**New Client Promotion: 1st Mix $125 w/ free mastering** I believe this world would be doomed without music, let's save the world together! Whether your a singer with a guitar or a full band I'd love to get a chance to work for you.
I am a mixing engineer and music producer, and I love to execute the artists vision within their music.
Exceptional player with 30 years experience. Worked with some of the best artists over a variety of genres from Rock to Punk, Jazz to Blues, Prog to Classics, stadiums to piano bars. The founder of the group mobiUS where I composed, played and mixed on the album “Make the Promise” which has achieved worldwide acclaim
Hey there! If you’re a songwriter, band or producer in need of a professional drummer to play on your track, then this service could be just what you need. I've gained much experience in live and studio recordings. I have a unique vintage drums set that sounds amazing, high-quality recording gear. Lior Izhaki drums :)
Recent Successes
"SIMMS has a very highly energetic style to his music, and it shines through one again. His work is excellent, and he understands the emotion of the story behind my lyrics. SIMMS is also very versatile, able to convey ..."
"He is good and will not stop till its the way you like it. Very reliable!"
"Bruce Hoffman is a wonderful session man. He played both fiddle and pedal steel on my songs. Easy to work with and meticulous in his craft. He is also fast and delivered the music within one day. "
"A total professional and a pleasure to work with. He earns every penny and then more!!! I am definitely going to keep working with him as far as I am able. You want your metal drum tracks to sound how they should then..."
"Ridiculous. Chuck totally kicks ass."
"Incredible musician. A+ "
"Taylor is GREAT! He understood exactly what I needed and delivered it to perfection! Super nice too! I would highly recommend Taylor and look forward to our next project together! Lisa Dawn Miller"
"super fast and alwasy A++++"
"Working with Harry is a very pleasurable experience. If you have suggestions or ideas he’s always open to incorporating them in a way that will fit the song perfectly. His instrumental production and vocal production ..."