Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gerardlilvert
As a versatile music producer with a knack for creating captivating melodies, dynamic beats, and polished tracks, I specialize in bringing artists' visions to life. I pride myself on blending innovation with technical expertise to produce music that resonates with audiences. Lets elevate your sound and bring your musical vision to fruition!
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More providers:
Shadow Talent - Music Producer. I make other sound
Nashville based music producer, mixer, and multi-instrumentalist. I can take a project from start to finish and everywhere in between. I have credits on major label records and have learned from some of the best in town. Let make some music!
Experience the soulful and emotive sounds of the duduk with Sar Kamler. Sar celebrates life and love through his unique blend of traditional and contemporary music. Book Sar for your next project and transport your audience to a world of heartfelt emotion.
Hello, I am a Music producers looking for nice vocals for electronic tracks. Examples of voices I like : Beach House, Rocky, Louisaah, memoryhouse, sofi tukker
Experienced live and studio bassist, able to cover a wide range of styles including Pop, Rock, and RnB. Played/recorded for Chinchilla, Joe Fox, Howard Kaye and others.
Clear, Expansive, and Musical Mixes, Reliable Communication, and Fast Turnaround.
Award Winning clasically trained Pianist and Producer with Experience in Film and Advertising for large German and International Brands | Audio Branding Specialist | Live Piano | Live Strings
Recent Successes
"Fred knows what he's doing. Just make sure the mix is okay, and then Fred will do a super master. 5 star."
"the best one here. Fast, professional and make her job on the best side. highly recommended!"
"Kiara has a beautiful voice and is willing to work until the customer is satisfied. She's very friendly and extremely knowledgeable about music. She was exactly what I needed for this track and she will certainly give..."
"Valentine Byrne is a great professional. I was lucky to find her on Soundbetter and to be able to work with her on the writing project, vocal melody and interpretation of a song. She quickly understood my reques..."
"Andreas is a very professional, talented Producer with a keen sense and ear for current genres of music. He did a great job in mixing and mastering my track and I can recommend him to anyone needing someone who liste..."
"No words needed. He is simply the best Zombic."
"Vanja's work is always great! He did a nice fingerpicking style on my acoustic country/folk song and it was perfect...just the right touch I needed to hit a few genres for sync licensing...so appreciated!"
"Ziv tore up a modern Dua Lipa like song. Only two people other than me have heard it thus far and great and terrific were the words used. I’d like to add spectacular to his ten guitar wavs he sent me. He always gives..."