Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with gerard canonico
I specialize in Pop, Rock, and R&B.
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Rewind Records specializes in quality Recording, Mixing and Mastering of any and all audio and music genres without breaking the bank!
All sound work Mixing multitrack Drums replacement Guitar Recording Tuning vocals Post production
I'm a professional artist, songwriter and producer. Can create catchy and big melodies for your song. Also work with a great guitarist that can add electric/acoustic guitar to your song. Great with writing hooks for any hip hop or r&b styles.
I'm Saë, composer and multi-instrumentalist based in Paris. I love to work with global clients; offering a creative and modern approach to music projects. *Bilingual: French and English
This is the best time for artists to exist, however it's hard to get that industry level clean and polished sound. Here at mix and master lab we pride our track record to reflect our level of quality. Let us know what you need, and we'll make it come to life!
Multi-Genre Songwriter and Vocalist with an Emotionally Captivating Tone and Breathy Vocal Delivery
Spanish artist Joel Oliver, also known as Odsen. Joel has been releasing music since 2017, and his works have been supported by the likes of Marsh, Solarstone, Enamour, Matt Fax and other progressive and trance talents. Joel has also had the pleasure to make music for artists like Christian Burns and Richard Beford.
I feel very lucky... throughout my career I have worked with Jamaican legends who approve my way of working, providing unique techniques of the style. DubWise and wicked alternative versions are my specialty! Yes! The most important for me, the connection between the Artist and the Engineer... Guaranteed results! Let's do it!
Recent Successes
"He went above and beyond in such a short amount of time. "
"HIRE THIS MAN!! His vocals are awesome! Top-notch professional quality stems. Judd delivers an incredible performance every time, if I could give him 100 stars, I would. This is our second project together and definit..."
"Great job! 5 Stars! I am looking forward to another project with him."
"Joey has one of the best voices Ive heard in my life. Such an incredible singer. I didnt need to ask for any revisions. He delivered on time and it was perfect.Im Definitely working with him again."
"Did I mention that Martin turned around TWO fantastic mixes in like a day and a half? Amazing!!!"
"Rory was great to work with! Super professional and easy to work with! Very responsive and did an AMAZING job writing and singing the song to match with the beat I gave him! "
"Ruben de Ruiter is astounding at following already recorded tracks not played to a click, making rhythmic sense out of varying speeds, etc. Plus, the details he brings out with his conga and bongo playing is superb. A..."
"Chloé is a pro and lovely to work with! Her work truly uplifted my song!"
"Another Smoking Hot Bass Track! This boy is on fire.....A Amazing Talent! Thanks Manuel.......Dunn AKA D. Pat. II"
"Jim brought his long experience and brilliant talent to 3 mixes of a song i sent to him. The whole process and end result in all 3 instances was 100% brilliant. The mixes he promptly delivered elevated the song to a b..."