Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gameboys
Hi! I am guitar player, composer, and music masters, with post graduate in songwriting and music for cinema. With three albums already released, The versatility is the way I see music. Studying through different styles (Rock, Jazz, Classical, Brazilian Music) made me able to see what are the better tools in musical language for different genres.
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My name is Bobby Shields. Logic certified, Apple Creative for 5 years. Active electronic musician in Chicago. 35 year old, endlessly creative and strong communicator. Very experienced. Acoustic and Electronic Drums (the ability to record to a click track) - pianos, synths, bass - electronic and acoustic/electric, Guitar, Production Capabilities.
My name remekia , let me paint you a picture who I am , I been writing since I was eleven but became serious with it at fourteen . I been breathing life since 19 . And I'm currently houseless..But have faith in becoming the most powerful and successful writer ever known. DREAM WILL COME ALIVE IN MY EYES.
One stop shop
Have been mixing & mastering professionally about a year!
Songwriter and music producer for artists, cinema and music branding.
Making music for 6 years. Wanna help you with your musical need in order to gain portfolio
I'll instrument your songs
Lyrics, bars and toplines according to your needs and what suits you the best.
Recent Successes
"Excellent! I know I will work with Emma on all of my projects from here on. She is a professional through and through, as well as an amazing person. Just the kind of person you want on your project."
"An amazing talent - as always Anthony is not only a highly devoted producer, but also someone who put his heart in your song, and who has become more than a brother to me since then. Do you have any challenge to mak..."
"It was a great record! I was totally happy with the result !!"
"It’s an amazing drums track recorded by Brandon!! Always a pleasure working with him!! Thanks!"
"Even though I had insufficient music theory understanding, Francis was willing to work with me and was super attentive to my vision for the song. When I first listened to Francis's arrangement, I was left speechless, ..."
"Laurynas was highly professional, produced an excellent quality of work on our SFX packs, and was great at communicating updates and meeting deadlines. Would not hesitate to work with L again."
"Absolutely loved working with Will, till the next song :) "
"Paul is a total professional. I hired him to lay down Hammond tracks on a blues tune and he really came up with outstanding parts that were just right for the song. Also communicated well. Highly recommended."