Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Gabriel Drago
Hola! Soy Jairo Sanz Soy CEO e ingeniero de Mastering y Dolby Atmos en Sanz Estudios, un estudio boutique en el que puedo ofrecer los mejores resultados para tu canción.
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been in the biz for over 26 year as of 2014, the studio has 6 Western Canadian Music Awards and has had 3 JUNO nods for the work that has been done.
I'm an experienced professional vocalist and songwriter with a track record of working with talented session players across Europe and the US. My career highlights include a UK chart entry for one of my own songs. I bring dedication and a commitment to quality to every project I take on, aiming to produce top quality music for my clients.
I am a very agile, tightly groove oriented drum set player. I enjoy playing blues, rock, and jazz as well as hip/hop / R&B drumming. My main goal is to make the song or music feel great as well as utilize any creative ideas I can produce from the track into my drumming.
I stay on topic. I stay away from corny. My lyrics can embody the mood of the groove. Fun and fly to pensive, melancholic and reflective. Timeless, well-informed and experienced lyrics. Vivd.
Love to record, mix and getting creative with all kinds of tools possible to put your production to the top!
I'll make your tracks sound better.
I've worked as a recording and mixing engineer for independent studios and bands in LA for the last 10 years and now run my own recording studio in West Hollywood with full-band tracking capabilities. I love combining the use of cool analog gear with the fidelity and efficiency of digital technology to craft the perfect sound.
Known for crafting ear worms and creative + emotive lyrics, praised by legendary producer Bruce Lowe (Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, The Lion King) for wide ranging song-writing talent.
Recent Successes
"It was my fourth job with Jessica. I guess this fact speaks for itself."
"Thanks to SoundBetter I was able to have Andrew on board to take my song to a level that can only be produced by someone who has a great understanding of the singer/songwriter genre. Check out his releases...Highly re..."
"Thank you Varun! I am thrilled this album sounds so good. These little recordings finally sound legit! It’s always super easy to work with you. I think I sent you a wrong version (twice), thanks for not yelling at me ;)"
"This was my first time working with Jake on two very different songs. Jake first played electric guitars on a jazz funk ballad and I was impressed with what he did so I gave him another song where he played acoustic g..."
"It's difficult to change, when you find the right feeling, for someone like me who really is eager for "Sharing", "Empathy", "Understanding". Darrel has the required skills to supply someone like me, swimming on this ..."
"THIS IS LITERALLY BIG Jerm. So professional. So quick and knows exactly where to take ur project where u need it to. I will be returning!"
"Thanks Sefi. It was very professional mix mastering. Appreciate it"
"Just finished my 2nd song working with Matt. I was super picky about this track and he was totally cool with it. Made all the changes quickly and I'm happy with the outcome! Will come back to him again."