Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fulminacci
Multi instrument player! Contact me if you want a particular and different sound! Can play electric guitar, acoustic guitar, classic guitar, ukulele, mandolin, banjo.
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Drama belongs in the film, not the process. I'm here to compose the right soundtrack for your project. I'm direct, communicative, and responsive. Multiple styles, voice overs, foley...you name it, I'll get it done for you.
Electric or Acoustic Bass tracks from former Sub from Saturday Night Live Band
From LA to Brooklyn and now Denver, I've been a singer/songwriter's drummer. Otherwise I fill my time playing in jazz clubs, for Saudi Princes, and in the pits of musical productions.
I am a "has-been" with music embedded in my soul. Singer / Songwriter with a professional career in POP / RnB and Christian music... however Country running through my veins.
Swedish born Vocal Producer for Alanis Morrisette. Arranger and Composer for Paramount Pictures Features and Trailers.
I provide mix and mastering services for semi-pro clients predominantly in the R&B and Gospel/ Conscious music genres & film. I have worked as a freelance musician (bass guitar) and recording, mix and mastering engineer for numerous artists and labels over the last 3 decades. I look forward to facilitating you in achieving professional results!
Hi ! With 12 years of experience in music and sound egineering, i provide producing, mixing and mastering services.
Using my Soundtrack to tell your story.
Recent Successes
"Lorne is wonderful to work with. He's talented, fast and professional. I gave him a pop song, asked him to compose and play an accompanying bagpipes piece and 48 hours later it was in my hands. The bagpipes were ex..."
"It's been a great pleasure to work with Giovanni! He was really perceptive and immediately understood the vibe of the session...he's done an amazing job and brought my song to another level. Thank you Giovanni, can't ..."
"Twenty stars is more like it, maybe thirty... I can't possibly begin to know how to fully express my joy in Michael Arrom's arrangement. He is a master Jedi pianist. Stunning!"
"Very fast delivery, top notch quality. Definitely ordering more service from Dose. "
"First time working with Marko but delighted with result.He has that rare Dark and Dangerous quality that can bring a song to life.The best compliment I can give a singer is that I would nearly write to suit them and t..."
"Your go to Audio Engineer! Always a pleasure working with Fabian. "
"John had the exact feeling I was looking for. Timely and professional! "
"Once again Matt mastered my two tracks and really managed to enhance and improve them in a very noticeable way! I feel like with Matt on my side I‘m really gaining experience and improving my music making! Can‘t recom..."