Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fully Crazed
6 Time Juno Award Nominee as former Guitarist and Founding member of Cancer Bats, Record Producer and Engineer for Punk, Metal and Rock bands for over 10 years. Looking to work with bands and musicians who are passionate and willing to put everything they can into making badass records and iconic, life changing music.
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30 years of experiance in professional audio productions, recording, mixing, editing and mastering. From classical music to heavy rock.
I'm a topline writer and vocalist with a passion for writing pop and R&B tunes.
A songwriter and vocalist working professionally in Nashville for 15 years now. As a demo singer I have worked with the biggest writers in the biz. Background vocalist on many #1s As a songwriter songs recorded by many major artists including Chris Janson, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top, Harry Connick Jr, The show “Nashville” and many more.
Intuition and ability for instant response to sounds/melodies/rhythms and on the spot creativity is my approach when taking on new project.
Being good is not enough in Music business, stop triying to sell with marketing. I’ll try to get your best sound. Get ready to level up.
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I love adventure. And I guess that's why I always get excited with a new song. There are so many untravelled roads to embark on. So many discoveries that lay just beyond my reach. In a few steps, as I develop the lyrics and the melody, my own song can open up my eyes to the world in so many different ways.
Recent Successes
"It's always great working with Marcello. This was another great experience - as usual. It's not hard to see why he is so highly rated here. "
"Elliot did a wonderful job mastering an EP for me. He was prompt and the results were great! I would definitely recommend working with him."
"Frank is an amazing song writer. He's very responsive and patient. His lyrics are deep and his melody fits well with the song I wrote. He helped me complete my song quickly, provided chord progressions with the song. ..."
"Another KILLER PRODUCTION by Alex! Love his work :)"
"François is an outstanding mix and mastering engineer. He really added some magic to the song and he is very easy and quick to work with. Highly recommended."
"Erika is a pro and fantastic to work with! She made my song even better and was the perfect vocalist for it. Such a great experience, and I’m looking forward to hopefully working with her again in the future! Thanks, ..."
"Matty works fast and is able to work with you well to achieve the sound that you want! recommend for mixing / mastering ! "
"Josh did a great job of delivery a clean, dynamic, heavy electronic rock mix with lots of energy shifts throughout the song. He brings a music ear to his work!"
"Austin mixed and mastered my 12 song album in under 3 weeks, and it sounds fantastic! He took the time to work on each individual detail no matter how small. Austin is a true music professional who seems to really enj..."
"It was amazing to work with Chase. His voice and technics are super talented and top quality, also his way of working composing and recording was super professional very fast. Even the pre-mix that he created on the v..."