Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FRST
I'm a professional mixing and mastering engineer based in Sweden, ready to make your tracks sound as great as they deserve! I work on a multitude of genres and provide top class end results for artist with a less than ideal budget.
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Alisdair is a music producer and audio engineer from Birmingham, UK. His experience has spanned 7 years in which time he has had his productions aired on BBC Radio1, 1XTRA and Triple J. I am currently taking on work as a freelance. alisdairjamesmason@gmail.com www.soundcloud.com/ficci www.facebook.com/ficciofficial www.twitter.com/ficciofficial
My name is Tibo. I'm a professional music producer specialized in audio enhancement and recovery, having worked under limited circumstances and low quality recording most of the time. I'm also a singer-songwriter specialized in Alternative Rock. My recent work "Moving You" has been used as Baros International Animation Festival official theme.
Studied Music Production in Tecnológico de Monterrey. Studied with Mastering Engineer, Allan Tucker.
Expert Producer/Engineer Specializing in EDM + Festival Touring Artist/Mentor!
Sans Create adalah sebuah jaringan media digital untuk wadah kreatifitas anak muda di Jawa Timur
I am a young talented songwriter that knows exactly what the newer and younger generation wants to hear.
Have yet to reach the top, so I can never fall off.
I'm 2nd Life, and I've produced music for over 6 years. I managed to release more than 200 songs gaining a total of 100+ million streams across the globe, got placements for clients like the Philadelphia Union football club and I am now also available here on Soundbetter to produce for you!
Recent Successes
"Insanely fast turnover, keeps true to the mix but adds a nice element of color and compression. Dig!"
"This is now my second song that i have let Spencer master, and i honestly cant say i could be more pleased, His work is professional, reliable and affordable! i would reccomend him to everyone and i will definately ..."
"This Man is FIRE! I was stuck on my project for a year and could not find the right sound. Till I heard ZDimention sample some lyrics and WOAH! Just the right sound and flow. This man was quick in Reply, Studio Recor..."
"Provided sick vocals for a cheap price, really cool songwriting and great voice! Seriously worth the money."
"Hale's simply the best. I'm working on an album at home, and I'm at the point where I just count on his piano being the glue or lift for many of the tracks. He doesn't disappoint."
"It's great to work with Djamel, he responds quickly, take comments into account and bring strong artistic inputs "
"Creative, easy to work with. No hesitation recommending Robert if you want to explore ideas that are not mainstream."