Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fritz Gun
Singer-songwriter, performing and recording artist building soundscapes and working on sound design in video games, film, radio, voiceovers, video and media, creative in the private and corporate scenes.
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A pop/rock male vocalist from chandigarh.
Run your drums, guitar, vocals or car keys through a vintage Japanese made Space Echo RE-201
I have been producing for almost eight years, written and produced more than 100 songs, and toured with a metalcore band as a bass player during the summer of 2016. Currently my focus is on mixing and mastering.
Hello, my name is Andy, I'm a sound engineere and I can do your sound better. I work on digital sound instruments that have been copied from iconic analog instruments of all time.
Professional editing, mixing and mastering engineer.
20 years experience producing, performing keyboards and acoustic guitar, mixing and mastering. Over 400 albums produced across all genres.
It’s King Juelz baby
Recent Successes
"There is not one thing that Anna cannot deliver! We have an amazing, ongoing musical relationship, that has transformed my life. She is my rock for musical greatness!"
"Kyle does a great job, in time and on time, and when I had a slight revision, he was quick to get that done. Highly recommended. "
"Ballad really listens to your dream, and brings it to life. He listens not only to what you say, but what you can't say, and then he lets the music say it for you. He's a special talent. Thanks, Ballad!"
"Amazing Artist, with expectational work rate and understanding of music fundamentals."
"This has been the 3rd time we worked with ILI and has been another beautiful experience. A great singer/songrwriter and a beautiful person! Can't wait to have other hits with her!"
"Loris is an AMAZING musician. Working with him is a breeze. Very easy to talk to, very professional and really understands your own vision as an artist. I would definitely recommend him and will work again with him in..."
"Phoebe Danskin is one of my all time favorite producers. She's extremely talented, efficient, communicative, hardworking, creative, and an absolute joy to work with. We've done several songs together now and she excee..."
"very professional and very kind with requests. I will absolutely return to work with Mark on other projects as soon as possible"
"Realmente disfrute trabajar con ella, una gran persona y muy profesional con gran creatividad, la recomiendo totalmente "