Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Freezacrowd
Versatile producer & mix engineer, based in the UK. Working in a variety of styles, but specialising in rap, hip-hop, trap and drill. 10+ years experience.
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Soul, Jazz Singer from Buenos Aires.
Versatile producer & mix engineer, based in the UK. Working in a variety of styles, but specialising in rap, hip-hop, trap and drill. 10+ years experience.
Hi I'm Tom, I am a professional singer/ songwriter specialising in indie, pop, rock and soul. Send me a message and we can work together to make something personal, professional and top quality!
Masterização completa, Mix, Eq Profissional
Here at Mad Sound Productions, we know everyone is different, and every artist is unique. This is why we take a tailored approach to your needs. Whether you're a solo artist looking for help to finish a single or a band looking to record a full-length album. We have the resources and expertise to help you achieve your goals.
Featured in countless Canadian publication for my own original music with 10 years of experience songwriting & 5 years experience with producing, mixing & mastering. I'm offering an affordable, risk-free rate for my songwriting, producing & other help with your music.
Specializing in crafting captivating melodies, meaningful lyrics, and comprehensive songwriting, I offer a collaborative and personalized songwriting experience. Working together via email, I'm committed to creating the song of your dreams, one note at a time!
Recent Successes
"M. Dwizzy did a great job on my jingle. He's a pro with an amazing Jamaican accent and just the right singing voice for my project. He's easy to work with, fast and charged me a fair price."
"What can I say? I could go on and on about how great Mark is and the quality of the work he delivers. If you want the best, Mark is your guy. "
" She is a girl with an incredible voice! I had the pleasure of developing my first project with her .. I'm sure it will be a success"
"Jen was brilliant. She understood exactly what I was after, saw the vision instantly and was able to Rock out at just the right level. She is very knowledgable, has great ideas and is fun to work with. I would highly ..."
"Another great job by Eyal! I requested a revision on this one (which is rare for me) and he took my suggestions and returned the performance I felt the song really needed (but didn't realize it exactly when I started ..."
"Aaron strikes again with a perfect master to my sound. One of the best parts about working with Aaron is you’ll learn something. He’s full of knowledge and support. "
"It's my first time working with a songwriter, and I'm so glad I worked with Ara, it was such an easy process, he super easy to communicate with and quick turnaround time, and he is really good at what he does, definit..."
"As always, diligent and cooperative. Mati has delivered time and again, and proved his skillset. We hope to work together more in the future as well. "