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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Frank Turner
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My name is Sivan, and music is an integral part of my life. Since childhood I have been playing various instruments. At the age of 12 I was introduced to the digital studio, and since then I began to focus on the production of music. I produce all sorts of genres, and I write original music.
Harpist for Florence + the Machine available for remote sessions
Rap & RnB Production for the low. I am providing young Artist but also established Artist a cheap way to get their mix.
I'm an experienced keyboardist, voice over talent, music arranger, singer and music director based here in the Philippines. I have plenty of experience in live music production, live recording and music arrangement. I can create amazing and emotion driven back ground piano sounds. I dabble in different music styles and sounds. Music has always been
Hey! I'm a Los Angeles-based guitarist from Cincinnati, OH. I regularly do session work and play shows throughout Southern California for artists and bands that span a wide variety of genres to include: Rock, Hip-Hop, Fusion, Funk, Jazz, Metal, Progressive Rock/Metal, Pop, R&B, and Soul.
I'm a lyric-driven songwriter who uses melody and metaphor to tell sincere stories, and conjure a stylish world listeners will lose themselves in.
🎤 Torque Studio Music: Donde Tu Voz Encuentra Su Mejor Versión 🎤
Recent Successes
"Austin is so great and kind, his patience is super appreciated and I highly recommend him!"
"Rusian played a brilliant piano track for me. He was a pleasure to work with and the communication was stellar. I'll Be Back!"
"Worked the second time with Marc. Professional as always. We will definitely work together on future projects. :-) Thanks again. Looking forward..."
"Dude, Brian is so dope and talented. And not only that he is a GREAT listener which is so important when working with a producer. He gives thoughtful feedback and suggestions while still letting you control the reins...."
"Just completed my 2nd project with Yaevin and her performance was SUPERB! Fantastic voice and passion in her work for my song. Add that to the great professionalism, patience and kind attitude she provides always❤️ ..."
"Alex, in a nutshell: "It doesn't get any better" YES! ...see you :-) "
"like his feedback and sound in mixing. very pro recommend him"
"6 Songs completed with TJ and every one of them has a unique and incredible quality to them. He is a great composer and gives amazing feedback. I'm glad I got to make an album with someone as passionate about his w..."