Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Francesco Mendolia
Powerful mixes loaded with emotion. It's all about the music and how it is reproduced.
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Singapore-based Mixing Engineer & Vocalist
My name is Raj and I'm a lyricist. I'm from India and moved to USA. 99% of my time I'm either reading or writing.
Credits with Mark Ronson, Jon Hopkins, Brian Eno and many more. Guitar, but not as we know it. From pristine sonic landscapes, through intricately crafted parts, to utter filth. Everything I send you will serve the song - it won't just be sonic splurge. Unless sonic splurge is what you want.
Best Graphic designer in Bahrain
Hey there! I'm Joey from the Grammy Award Winning Producer/DJ duo CASHÆ. I am a Co-Owner of Sunset Studios in Miami, Fl and I produce, arrange, and song write with a specialized focus in Pop, EDM, Latin, and Trap. Hit me up to get that "Professional Quality" sound you've been looking for and together we'll take your creation to the next level!
Resident sound engineer at Mixstudio based in the city of Florence.
Guitars that serve your music! I'll play, arrange, mix and produce guitars. I've always played all kinds of music and use my years of experience to serve each genre the best way possible. I've worked most of my years as a freelance guitar player live but the last 15 years I've been in the studio learning to lay and spread guitars on projects!
I can Play and Produce for you in almost Any Genre!
Recent Successes
"Normandy has an incredible voice. She was very easy to work with and was willing to take as much time as we needed to get the project right. I will most definitely work with her again. "
"Chris delivered in-your-face mix with materials I was not really proud of and save the production. Great job, will work again with him!"
"One of the most fire creators I’ve ever worked with, he inspires me to step my game up. Glad to have been a part of this creative process 100% work with you again "
"perfect quality! perfect vocalist! great job!"
"Kate is incredible as always! We've worked on several songs together and I'm always impressed with her talent and communication! You can't go wrong partnering with Kate on your music!"
"Amazing vocalist. He has a ridiculously fast turn over period and implements revisions at rocket speed - all the while maintaining the quality of his work. The guy is a real deal: hire him! "
"I hired Bryan for a mix on an Afrobeats inspired track. He was timely, responsive, and very agreeable to work with. I plan to hire him again for future mixes."
"This artist designed a custom canvan (Spotify/IG) for my upcoming release exactely according to my wishes in just a few days. I'm very happy with the result and I can abolutely recommand him! "
"Sam is super efficient and very easy to work with. The result was amazing. I can highly recommend working with Sam!"