Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with FOX 911
Over 400 Film and Television sync placements. I write and produce, with an ear toward Sync placements, as a signed songwriter in Nashville, TN.
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Of the thousands of records I've Produced, Mixed and Mastered, the one EVERYONE has surely heard is the hit single from Quentin Tarantino's PULP FICTION..."Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon". i am KRAMER, founder of SHIMMY-DISC, producer of DANIEL JOHNSTON, LOW, GALAXIE 500, WILL OLDHAM... I work with indie artists making challenging music.
A great mixing and mastering service for unsigned to signed artists. You will be involved every step of the way, making sure you get the end product you are looking for.
2019 saw Tim record and mix Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott’s Number 1 album ‘Manchester Calling’ alongside producer John Williams.
I always pour my heart into the songs in whatever forms I'm participating in. But it's not about pouring "MY" heart into your songs, I sync the frequencies of my vibe into your vision. Make it come true-
I'm here to make hits and have helped remix some of the best songs out there too! Let's make some magic together soon!
Ready to take your music to the next level? With extensive experience in songwriting, production, and sound design, I've spent years bringing artists' vision to life. From a catchy melody in your head to a radio-ready product with sonic depth and maturity, I will be the conduit to your creative process and lift your song to stand above the rest.
I'm an energetic, self-driven ambitious individual who has developed creative approach to spear heading any task\s presented. I'm an audio engineer with over 8 years of experience in the live field as well studio.
Experienced Mix & Mastering Engineer, Metalworks Music Mixing and Mastering graduate. Learned from top mentors like Annibalini, DeRose, & Crear during my education. Specializing in crafting polished, professional sound. Let's elevate your music to the next level together!
Recent Successes
"Incredible - the songs got a big push and sound so much better now. Tony added the soul and spirit the songs needed. I would love to work with Tony soon again on the next songs."
"Second time working with Bea, which was once again an amazing experience! She is really talented and has a beautiful voice. She replied quickly to my messages, and tried her best to capture the attitude I needed for t..."
"Kevin is a pleasure to work with, very professional, attentive and the quality that he brings is clearly the fruits of decades of mastering his craft."
"Tyree is an excellent engineer. His passion for music is clear through his engineering alone!"
"Hannah's work ethic is a notch above. That she is young and eager to please makes the minor revision process easy and professional. Will this change as Hannah becomes more jaded to the music? No. This is her DNA. N..."
"One of the most professional soundbetter artists I have ever worked with, there is no limited review with Amelia which changes everything! I strongly advise her."
"Bram excels in all qualities you'd expect from a mixing/mastering engineer, from quality of the delivery itself, responsiveness, great attitude and professionalism in his treat, and an outstanding mixing/mastering stu..."