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Fortuna Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Art is my religion; Traveling is my bible. Worked with the likes of Usher Raymond all the way to Justin Beiber
I have written lyrics and poems since the age of 11, and I have over 1,000 poems and lyrics to my credit. Best of all, I guarantee a first draft within one hour of accepting the job.
I have written every song I have released by myself aside from one.
One Stop Shop For Artist Services
20+ years of experience producing and mixing audio.
Experimental electronic music. Mixer of almost every genre. Vocal/guitar recorder. EDM.
I'm an indepentent Producer, an Artist, and an engineer out of Broward County, Florida looking to expand my horizons by offering my skills to other musicians and artists in any way I can with Reason as my weapon of choice.
Experienced audio engineer and music producer Spencer Laster (aka veryluvsick) specializes in hip hop and R&B, offering top-tier beat production, mixing, and mastering services, with a strong foundation from Berklee Music Online and extensive home studio experience.
Recent Successes
"This is with out doubt the best rapper on Soundbetter........ If you are looking for a smooth yet meaningful rap sung with feeling then look no further than Knowlej Ra this guy is the real deal !!!!! He delivered the ..."
"Rob exceeded my expectations on every level and had me laughing at his witty & timely communications. He is an absolute pleasure to work with, and has excellent turn-around times. He is a professional on every level, ..."
"Tom was great to work with! He delivered a really professional master with a quick turnaround time. Highly recommend! "
"Marco si an incredible piano player and he's so easy to work with. He works quickly and I'm beyond happy with the final product! I look forward to working with him again."
"Drew was quick to delivery and the performance was right on point! Thank you!!"
"The lead vocal and harmonies that Brandon recorded for our project sound amazing. He turned this project around quickly and I hope to work with him again in the future!"
"Creative and responsive, hope to work together again!"