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Forney Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Shreya Patibanda, is a music producer, beat-maker, and composer of over 6 years. Has a track record of making crispy well-mixed tracks with a unique textures. I specialize in various genres including Pop, EDM, and Hip-Hop. Currently studying Sound Engineering major at University of Michigan.
Award-winning composer and producer with credits on Amazon Prime, Microsoft Xbox, Cinecittà, and Sony, selected to represent Italy at SIM São Paulo. Specializes in immersive soundtracks, music production, and arrangements.
Songwriter / Vocalist - I am currently independent but have placements on film/TV/Adverts via APM, a punk band called All My Friends Hate Me, have written for independent artists (The Devil Music Co., Glooms, etc) and have ghostwritten songs with millions of streams :)
I am an experienced producer and versatile musician, I have years of experience making music. I Understand Christian music so well because I have played in church for many years and I am currently serving as Music Director at my church. I will provide you an excellent arrangement, mixing and mastering.
HIDDEN TECHNOLOGY “ON DISPLAY” AT WINTER OLYMPICS I noticed an interesting feature on some equipment being used by the competitors in this year’s Olympics.
Filipe Wesley has been working as a bass player for 10 years, he learned on his own until he was 17, when he began his studies at the Atelier de la Musique conservatory in São Paulo. In 2016 he joined the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, taking classes with important bass players such as José Alexandre Carvalho, José Mariano de Campos.
Are you in need of Top Notch Production? Prphzy Productions works with any budget to give you the product you deserve!
I specialize in the art of delivering stylish, expressive, flashy, and musical guitar playing that will help take any song to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Its always a pleasure to work with such talented musicians as Fabrizio, a great composer, interpreter, and collaborator. He definitely knows what it takes to create the perfect piano track for your song, and keeps sur..."
"Does your song have keys? Or synth? Than your song needs Namkyeong. Super talented, and will bring any production to the next level. "
"A l'écoute, Fhin n'hésite pas à retravailler la version à plusieurs reprises. Good job !"
"Highly professional! Will always come to him for my remixes. Looking forward in working together again in the near future. "
"Top tier mixing engineer on SoundBetter. You'll definitely enjoy Gerard's mixes and he's always very easy to work and collaborate with. Thank you Gerard!"
"So a talented, great piano player and composer. I gave Suwon a difficult job, and she did it perfectly. Will use Suwon again."
"It's a pleasure collaborating with Pol, great communication, and incredibly high quality work delivered. A very gifted Pianist who seems to produce a part that fits effortlessly into your track every time. "
"It is more than just a pleasure to work with Michal, it is an experience where you always gets surprised. His creativity seems limitless and he's really bringing any project to a whole new dimension. Michal is adding ..."