Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with fly 52
Clarity, Punch and Detail with Exceptional communication!
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Cécile Desnos was nominated for "Breakthrough Engineer of the Year” at the 2019 MPG Awards. She engineers and produces out of her London studio. Find her credits on Fresh-Noisy.com
Singer & Songwritter Composer Music Editor All works are done in my home studio
Israeli musician, BPM College of Music Graduate (Songwriting/Vocal Performance), a storyteller, Multi-genre singer/songwriter, guitar player and a great friend to talk to
I love writing songs with with melodies that can be digested by anyone. (Pop, Folk, melodic Hip Hop, ballad).
I'm a producer and multi-instrumentalist in Brighton, UK. 18 years production experience, specializing in Pop and Alternative music and Rock. Featured music on MTV, CMT, and more. I want to take your musical idea and help you transform it into a recorded work of art. I will give your tracks that magic touch for radio airplay.
Get the perfect music for your film or a stunning arrangement for your song! "Il Sottoscala • Music Services" is a network of professionals with skills from composition to sound engineering. Ask us for a service and you'll be delivered a ready-to-use project!
Make your track crazy heavy with my metal vocals!
Learn What makes a hit song? Iv been Ghost writing lyrics for over a decade now and is beautiful how my lyrics and song composition cut through all the industry B.S.First Consultation is free.Free with lyrics too.
Recent Successes
"To put it mildly: JOEY IS SIMPLY AMAZING!!!! We were working on our third project with him and sent him the basic instrumentals and the lyrics for our new song....Joey did his magic and sprinkled stardust all over...Q..."
"I am very satisfied with the way Thomas took care of the mix and master of my track. He is very patient, kind and responds very fast! "
"Benny was a pleasure to work with. He was able to polish the track making it sound very professional! I will definitely work with him again in the future!"
"If you want some to go above and beyond, this is your guy. Great communication and very honest through the whole process. "
"It's always a pleasure to work with such a talented musician! Silvio was very patient, attentive and most of all was able to deliver the vision I had in my head, while providing plenty of useful advices and musical id..."
"Amazing producer and musician, worked so hard on making sure this project was everything I wANTED"
"RIOUX V has not failed me yet. HIT after hit. The guy is extremely creative, I give him concepts and he turns them into reality. I've seen his other work, and its amazing. I have been rocking with him for over 5..."
"Juan is the epitome of a great talent, with great enthusiasm for his work, and a great guy! He's easy to work with, and he is a pro. Highly Recommended! "
"Loved working with Nicky, he made the whole process from start to finish seamless and on top of that, a first class mastering engineer. Some guy!"