Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Find Mvck
Hi! I'm a music producer, mixing engineer, singer song-writer from Barcelona, Spain. I've been producing a wide range of genres for more than 10 years. From indie to soundtracks, pop, experimental, electro and hip-hop.
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I have become a sound engineer because of the passion for music and the opportunities to build up my imagination with this work. I listen to every kind of sound and work with every kind of sound. With passion.
With 20 years experience Tim has recorded and performed around the world within various different genres.
The most important part of a song is the story. The second most is the groove. I make sure songs have both.
I'm an audio engineer that brings a unique approach from my experience in audio production and theatrical sound design.
Played with the 'Rolling Stones' Touring band, have about 400,000 streams with my own original music.
Thank you for stopping by, my name is Ivan and I work fulltime as a Pianist, Music Teacher, and Music Producer based in southern California. I've been a musician for over 20 years and I would love the chance to help you on your musical journey.
Multi-instrumentalist with a creative vision, producer and engineer, passionate about music that will change lives. I will take your project and make it the best it can be.
Remote production service (instrument recordings, natural sounding autotune on prerecorded vocals, noise reduction, drums, synths, bass guitar, electric gutiar, acoustic guitar, mixing & mastering)
Recent Successes
"He has a work ethic. He is really fast and qualified. I asked him to record my own scores. He did but I didn't like it. Then he record another one with his own trombon solo and it is awesome. He moved my song to an..."
"This was my second time working with Tyree and he, once again, met and exceeded my expectations! Tyree's vocals and work ethic are truly unmatched! It was an honor to work with such a talent again! "
"Hill is superb at communication, always has something for you to listen to each day. Excellent service will do business with him again. Project was finished ahead of time and would have been done earlier without revis..."
"Dan just finished Mixing/Mastering another track for me, as always I am blown away! Great work Dan, thank you so much! "
"Lostchild UK did such an incredible job mixing my vocals and blew me away with his quick delivery, response time, and understanding of exactly what I was looking for. Can't recommend enough! Looking forward to working..."
"Mike sent a powerful mix/master , highly recommend him for your projects.Will be definitely working with him on the upcoming tracks."
"Fantastic work as usual 🤩"