Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Filthy Mike
Music Producer Artist Film Scorer Audio Engineer Musician Mixing Mastering Vocal Tuning
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In addition to releasing his own music, 4TiFy has been a resident DJ in LA for almost a decade. 4TiFy has his pulse on not only current times, but what is next in music. Reach out if you want your project sounding professional with a quick turn around.
Multi-Platinum Music Producer for artist such as R. Kelly, Wiz Khalifa, Mary J. Blige, Fifth Harmony, JoJo, Usher, Jason Derulo,Tank, Etc.
Music is my Passion! DJ / Music Producer & Mixing guy from Barcelona, Spain. Everything, what you expect from your Mix we can talk about it, and implement to it. Together, we can make the Mix according to your ideas! Write me about your project. Also, all my work you can listen here, on SoundCloud or my web: https://soundcloud.com/dj-tommy-vega
I have produced and engineered for major companies including Virgin Records, Amazon Prime, and SONY publishing. I am a Pop/Hip-Hop Producer who plays Bass guitar, Guitar, Keys, along with programming, tracking, and mixing. I've worked on songs with independent and major label artists such as Heath240, Dev Soter, STEFAN THEV, UU, Rich Boy and more.
Turning good songs into hits since 2000 doing what is needed to be done.
Mixing engineer currently studying at the University of Hull
I have an album called "Saye" on digital platforms. Listen to it and check if you like my voice. I believe I can sing every kind of music!
Guitarrist who records, mix and mastering
Recent Successes
"Marco just finished another song for me & he came up w/ some great ideas...but I wasn't sure if they worked for the song, so I asked him to bring some new ideas, on piano this time & the song came to life! He takes m..."
"First time working with Malynda and from the start to the end it was a perfect experience! She responded fast and delivered top quality vocal recordings that worked amazingly well, with plenty of time to spare before ..."
"Storytelling lyrics, lyrics coming from bottom of one's heart that carry a warm and genuine sense of feeling. She's also capable to write lyrics for written melody, the melody and lyrics are almost 100% in sync."
"We worked on a remix and I'm happy with the outcome. In the making process, I've learned to know Lostchild as a very kind and approachable professional. He listens to (and act upon) every feedback I gave him and he al..."
"Francesca is my favorite dummer on soundbetter. She gets me the project so fast and its always exactly what I wanted! She's AMAZING!"
"Hew killed another one for me. This young man is fast and accurate. Great communication as well. I will continue to work with him as much as possible."
"Kevin is an amazing producer not only for the music production but also for getting advice on different aspects of the music related career. We are so happy to work with Kevin and will continue working with him for fu..."
"Amazing as always! Daryl has been my go to for mixing and mastering for over 3 years now. Highly recommend him to anyone looking to take their song to the next level!"
"Kenny and I have worked on four different occasions. He always makes sure to tailor the song to my liking. Great communication. Always a pleasure to collaborate with such an amazing talent! "