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Fiddle in Cloonboo
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Guitarist & writer
i am adeyemo olusoji jacob, a graduate of international relations and the foundation of law. i am an experienced bass player as well as above average general instrument player, im also a voice couch and a music director. a close to 10 years experience. i prefer to create than to copy.
A producer in the making, I want to offer my services to the people who want to fulfil their dream in the music industry! I can make your song or remix with an industry level quality that will surely get the attention of your fans. I will also provide feedback and help take the track to the next level.
creative person writing songs for many years.
I'm making music since I was child ~> info&collab, DM me here or instagram @core_diz 🤙🏼 or e-mail me: corediz.prod@gmail.com
Am the beatmaker looking to connect and work artist and producers
24/7 songwriter, session guitarist (electric and acoustic guitar). I can write songs/guitar tracks that sound similar to your favourite artists's.
+200 Million Streams Producer & Mixing Engineer. Over 12 years of experience in making GREAT RECORDS, with over 200m streams worlwide. I've been producing and recording songs for hundreds of artists, today, im looking forward to find new artists to connect with and develop great songs with great creatives.
Recent Successes
"You can stop your search right now, JayyDee should definitely be involved with your project! His turnaround time was the fastest I've had on this site, and the same goes for quality! I asked him to add some persona..."
"thanks again for an awesome product great job!!!"
"EXCELLENT SOUND! Went way above my expectations, I am really Mind blown! I will keep working with Elliot in the future if the opportunity is available for sure!! SUper recommended!!"
"I am super happy I chose Phillip. He has proven to be a great professional, and is already in my portfolio of musicians. he has finished his job with an exceptional talent. Thank you Phillip !!"