Fiddle in Baltimore
Experienced studio mixer with a background in acoustic roots music.
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I've been working in recording studios since 1999 before starting my own, Red Planet Recording, in 2004. I've recorded and mixed many genres including blues, hip hop, noise, and country, but excel at heavier types of rock, punk, metal, hardcore, shoegaze, and alternative rock
Do you need creative, musical drumming tracks, plus lead or backing vocals? I am your guy. I offer discounts if you need vocal tracking along with drums, which will enable you to hire less session musicians in the studio!
I'm Lincoln, known musically as Saylink, a producer in the greater LA area of SoCal. I specialize in Electronic Dance Music, and I have an unhealthy obsession with synthesizers, pianos, orchestral arrangements, and anime.
Ready to work with a open heart.
It's all about The Ears
I'm the guy you contact if you need music harmonies and melodies that deeply touches people. I'm also the guy you contact if you need a cool beat under your vocal. The music is created with great knowledge and intuition about rhythm, melodies and harmonies.
People hire me when they've done all they can....Production is done, and in many cases, even the MIX has been done. But it's NOT done. You can't quite put your finger on it. That's where I come in. I listen to you and I respect your vision. I take the time to understand what it is you want to achieve and I do it. Make me part of your team!
I'll make you sound great. I love working closely with musicians all over the world, bringing their vision to life. Quick turn-around times and highest quality are most important to me. Of course I have years of professional experience under my belt and use the very best analogue (Rupert Neve stuff mainly) and digital (FabFilter, oeksound) equip.
Recent Successes
"Recomiendo completamente a Camilo Silva. Es un increible Ingeniero y una excelente calidad de persona. Su trabajo es Totalmente Profesional y se apropia de tu proyecto hasta culminarlo exitosamente. Estoy compl..."
"Very consistent to what we said at the beginning which in combination with fast delivery makes him really professional!!"
"Extremely professional and timely delivery. Great recording quality and flexibility for your individual project needs."
"Another fine job by Andres - a precise and sonorous master. Nice to have another pair of ears to call on with the mix guidance pre mastering (always a useful part of Andres' service). Thanks again! "
"You have made our first lady of pop a very happy and thankful artist -we can not wait to get this track to radio - thanks again Nate you are the most amazingly talented producer and remixer - love your work"