Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ferragamo
I am a producer, writer and mix engineer working from my own unique, comprehensive hybrid studio in the bow of a ship in central London!
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an experienced audio/ video engineer that specializes in mutliple music genres
We have been working in this new facility for about 3 years. The control has been designed by Francis Manzella. Our crew has been twice in the phenomenal seminar called "Mix with the Masters" in South France with Andrew Scheps (Adele, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lana del Rey, etc.) and Jack Joseph Puig (U2, Snow Patrol, John Mayer, etc.).
I´m a guitar player, songwriter, singer and touring musician based in the south of Germany. You need some Electric & Acoustic Guitars for you song - I´d love to work with you!
Credits: John Gabbana (BoontGang)
Rock guitarist for session work
22. Stylebender with a niche in Cinematic/Audio and FX composition. Self-taught production and always learning.
Engenheiro de mixagem, pronto pra fazer da sua musica uma verdadeira obra prima.
Recent Successes
"Jeff produced a brilliantly clear and vibrant mix of Mozart's final Symphonic masterpiece - Symphony 41. Very easy to work with, and quick to understand the direction I wanted to take with this timeless music, and t..."
"Another vocal track, finely tuned by David! He is easy to work with, and does a great job!"
"Second time using Martin. Always helpful and willing to work through tweaks you may need. The end product is always wonderful."
"I had an awesome expereienc with Malachi he is very talented , attentive to details and provided me a great quality work. I loved what he did with my original song - really mind blowing ! Would definitely recommend an..."
"Todd is fantastic. If you scroll through his credits, you’ll notice that when he works with an artist or producer, they keep hiring him for future projects. That’s always a good sign and it’s easy to see why they do...."
"Amazing work. Super quick turnaround, good communication, and a very polished mix and master. "
"Brittany absolutely knocked this one out of the park. She’s got an amazing voice and her pitch is one of the best I’ve ever worked with. Add to that some great lyrics and a spot on vocal arrangement. Super happy about..."
"Straight Fire! Round two was a huge success. Salute to Rioux V"
"Molto bravo con le rime e a scrivere i testi"