Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fengari
Hi, I'm Tevin MK, a seasoned music producer specializing in hip-hop, R&B, and more. With a decade of experience, I craft custom beats and provide expert mixing tailored to each artist’s vision. Collaborated with artists like Vinci and Dyce. Excited to help bring your sound to the next level!
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The secret of a great sound engineer is being able to hear a raw tape, then in your mind, hear what it could sound like, and know what knobs to move to make it sound that way.
I offer my extensive experience as a creative studio musician to help out with your recordings, by adding guitars (acoustic/electric), extra vocal and sometimes bass. I can also offer songwriting input (musical and lyrical). I'm flexible and happy to discuss which combination works best in every situation.
Music Producer and Mix Engineer with 4+ years of experience originating from a small country in the Balkans.
Music producer/Songwriter from Switzerland for the last 5 years. I have tracks signed on major labels such as Smash The House, Revealed, Sirup Music & more..
idk wut to put here i guess lmao
Do you want deep and exciting lyrics?
I have satisfied AN ARTIST HEART which seems impossible.But it's real . I do mixing and mastering of melodious songs
Maximizing Transient Impact and Expanding the Stereo Field with Mid-Side Processing
Recent Successes
"Great flow She knows and shows it in her vocals!!"
"Marshall is legit ♥ he sent me a perfect mix in the first go. Its really hard to come by legit talented engineers, who know how to work with your voice. I will def be using him in the near near future. (like next we..."
"He gives Excellent work every time and supper cool engineer to work with, he will give you exactly what your music needs to get you to the next level in this music industry., "
"Good work."
"I am extremely happy that I chose Mary Bragg to work on my project !! I could have hired individual people to turn my lyric's into a full fledged song but that is too confusing ! When I saw that Mary produces, sings a..."
"Good communication and very professional. Had a great time woking with Peer!"
"We needed Ac-Lead-Guitars and Marco understood perfectly what we wanted. Delivered very fast and his Sound and Playing Skills is top notch! Very Professional and very Good :)"
"As always Marcello and his team deliver beautiful acoustic guitars for an acoustic version of one of my songs! Performance is just perfect!"