Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fazer Drums
Bringing life to your tracks with high quality drum and percussion recordings. Looking forward to working on your next project.
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Do you know the global mega-hit Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol? I arranged and conducted the strings on that and many others.
Unique Sound
Please check my mixing & mastering work on https://soundcloud.com/music-mixing-mastering ...why audio is my middle name. I do midi music, DAW editing, mixing, and mastering, anything about midi / sound / audio system. I will mix and master your music like this to be the best, with high end plugin in 24 hours or so. We can agree about everything.
I am a digital marketer and SEO Expert
write and mix songs for 4 years, professionaly
I am a one man production company and I can write and produce most styles of songs, musical arrangements and multi-media and film scoring.. I can write effectively and quickly and I will give you a free sample of targeted work. If you're not satisfied no risk, no loss! Try me!
Best Mixing!! Best quality!! ALL in low price!!
Hi, I'm Asanda! I am singer and Top- liner with several years of experience. I speak both ENGLISH & ZULU and can sing in either language with ease. I am both a live and a studio artist and have experience performing in and around both Durban and Johannesburg.
Recent Successes
"Marcello is a very gifted artist. We have done many songs together and he has definitely brought out the best in me! I am very lucky to have found my friend Across The Pond. "
"Fast and incredible quality. Added a special touch that made the song sound radio ready."
"Very communicative and informative. Blake is great to work with, since he is really interessted in your project. Really creative and absolutely easy going."
"It has been a pleasure working with Salvo! Great person, awesome work, very fast and easy to communicate with. Thank you! ❤️"
"I had an amazing experience working with Dan on my song. With his talent and vision, we were able to take something I had considered a simple, throwaway song and turn it into something worthy of being released as a si..."
"Lydia brings my songs to life with her beautiful vocals & is great to work with. I very highly recommend her!"
"Perfect voice and multiple tuned choirs added in the package. I'll work with her for sure"
"Andres and his team were on the ball with communication from the start, laid out clear instructions and the final product sounds great and ready for streaming. I'll definitely be working with him again. "
"David's service as a pedal steel guitar musician was simply exceptional. His elegant arrangements and ability to evoke deep emotions surpassed all expectations. I highly recommend David as the top choice for anyone se..."