Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Fast animals and slow kids
Producer and sound engineer with over 20 years of high level experience and several platinum albums! News for 2024: DOLBY ATMOS MIXING. 20% discount for new customers!
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15+ years in Music & Entertainment Industry as a Songwriter, Management & Production, CEO, A&R, Music/Remix Producer.
I will write a bespoke lyric for your existing track, or from just an idea you provide. I can translate your lyrics to English if it's not your first language. I can provide detailed song critiques for both lyrics and music production.
Hey There I’m Vonta Grayy And Ima Song Writer From Flint Mi I Have Helped More Than 50 Artist Make Great Songs Come Check Me Out And Lets Make Some Magic Happen!
I can make your vocals absolutely pop and cut through the mix. Very fast and efficient mixing, especially on mp3/wav beats! Can also record your vocals if you're in Toronto.
We are ZEUGL, two French creatives conceptualising and making band identities, record sleeves, music videos, VJing and everything else musicians might need to further their project visually.
Student sound engineer, I believe I can add a little bit of juice to your songs !
I am a home music producer and composer. I love all genres however more focused on the background and house music these days. I can work with most DAWs, however, I use Bandlab and Garageband for my daily needs.
Clemy Zm (born June 24, 2004) in Kitwe, Zambia, is a Zambian Entrepreneur and CEO of Undying Dreams. He established his 2nd luxury clothing brand in 2022. According to astrologers, Clemy Zm’s Zodiac Sign is Cancer. His real name is Clement Kangwa.
Recent Successes
"Just finished my first project with Shelley. It was an amazing experience. We had a great dialogue about my vision for the song and then she nailed it on the first try, to help me to create an incredible song. The pas..."
"Worked Fast Efficient & Creative. 9/10 will return & would recommend. "
"mastered 1 song...sounds great! good communication, fast work. mastering rest of album now..."
"Ziv Shalev should be short for Ziv ShaLEVEL because he levels up every track! He is an easy and awesome collaborator. And he can make the guitar sing, laugh, cry, dance, rock, and wail. Work with Ziv! "
"His energy is pure so every session will be yo best session most likely! "
"Isamu was amazing to work with! I had a really tight deadline and needed string arrangements for a live show. He got to work in record time, and delivered everything exactly when I needed it. He was super responsive a..."
"I have to get out a thesaurus at this point as I’ve used every known high praise word when commenting on her blessed piano playing. I gave her a progressive rock tune and in return I was given a classicalish solo pian..."